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Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:37 am
by skipper
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


Guess Who?

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:17 am
by KVW
Let me take 3 guesses and the first two don't count. Hawkeye, Hawkeye, and of course Hawkeye. :lol: Or maybe that's yours Skipper. At any rate, That is darn good shooting :eek:

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:06 pm
by chuckhunter
Very nice!!!!! That's some sweet shooting :D Good job!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:58 pm
by OldTurtle
Mine just went in the mail this morning... After seeing those, I'm starting to think mine was an exercise in futility.... :wall:

That is some excellent shooting and will be extremely hard to beat... :D

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:38 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Holy Doodle Skipper! If you ever bring that Panda out this way for a Rat Rodeo, my crew is going to cry "foul", as virtually every squirrel you aim at will get his flying lessons!

Nice shooting, bud, good luck with the Challenge (not that luck is involved here the way you shoot ;) )

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:59 pm
by skipper
Actually, that's not even my target. One guesser is very hot indeed, times three. I was too busy hurricaneing to compete.

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:03 pm
by Rick in Oregon
You mean to tell me that that sneaky bugger from New York is gonna be Top Dog again? :eek:

Just kidding Mike, that's some very impressive shooting. Maybe we'll have to renig on that squirrel invite, eh? We always leave some rats for "seed" for the following year....with shooting like that, we'd have to keep an eye on you all day so you didn't deplete the target rich environment! ;) Well done, bud.

(Do all the other guys know you shoot from 25 yards? :lol: )

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:06 pm
by skipper
Rick in Oregon wrote:(Do all the other guys know you shoot from 25 yards? :lol: )
:eek: :hammer:

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:08 pm
by Glen
Looks like someone "threw" their tie breaker shot off as if they didn't need it. :chin:

:lol: :lol:

Mighty fine shootin right there boys!! Can't ever say the bar was set too low. :wink: :lol:

Might have to use the old high school curve grading system on this shootoff. :lol:

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:20 pm
by skipper
I just wanted you to know that I have examined Group 1 several times and I'm in a tissy. The ragged portion at the lower middle of the group is not caused by a bullet. At least not in my opinion. There's no bullet ring, dark mark on the paper, around that portion of the paper. That's simply blow out caused by other bullets passing through the same hole. That makes the group very hard to score.

Bullets leave a dark ring around the paper when they penetrate. I've measured that group three times and it's pretty small. I won't say how small, but it's in the one's, easily and possibly smaller. I'm reserving judgement until it can get out the calipers and magnifying loop to examine it again.

All groups will be available for viewing if there is any question about my scoring. As I said previously, if there is any question, the forum will decide.

Don't get in a panic, there are still more groups to come.

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:33 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
The back boards were pretty shot up. They need to be changed weekly this time of the year. Not much backing left to support the targets. That might be the reason for the lack of carbon ring. I did not measure any of the groups so I'm no help there.I knew I should of rolled that pen in some carbon before I shanked it :lol: . That may be my best 100 yard group with the LRPV to date. I'll have to check my files. There's not to many 100 yarders, most of them are 300 :shrug: . I save all my targets, Got a whole file cabinet full. The center group opened up because of my arch enemy "barrel heat". After the second, I had to let her cool down and start from scratch with 4 sighters. I was got impatient pulling a double shift at the range that day. I also had my anti-flinch device with me. 10 rounds of 30-06 before shooting the postal targets. For some reason this smoooooths me out. Turns the 204 into a BB gun.

I would love to go west to whack some rats. Us Yankee's can only dream of such a target rich environment. Maybe I could coax Jo191145 into a road trip. This way I can bring 30 guns so I don't smoke my barrels :assault: :assault: . I'm sure that takes a LOT of will power. Looks like I'll need some help with the cleaning :eew: .. That reminds me, Coyote season opens at daybreak.The paper shredding stops and the fur starts flying :twisted: ..

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:21 am
by Ray P
Hawkeye Joe...........I usually run into the same problem at the range I shoot at down here in Pa with backer boards be shot up!
I tape my targets to poster board and then staple to the backer.
By the way...........way to go.......nice target...........gota love this little cal. aka 204 Ruger!
Skipper thank you for posting target pics and all leg work your doing for the postal shoot! You got to busy with you job?? Those were some pics you posted of the storm damage.
Ray P

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:23 am
by jo191145
Very nice shooting Mike!!!

You make us backwards Yankees with ugly guns darn proud.

Maybe some day we should head out west. Judging by your groups I think you'd reek much carnage on those pygmy squirrels. I might have to stop a few states before you and be content with the pygmy Woodchucks.

Way to go, congrats!!!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:43 pm
by BabaOriley
Got to the range today at about 1:30 to shoot my target. Don't call me a procrastinator either. I know I am, but I didn't get my rifle til Saturday, and had to wait til Monday to start breaking it in. Started Monday with 40gr Noslers and 27.3gr Varget, which shot about MOA. I was happy. Much cleaning that day. Last night I loaded up some 40gr Bergers and some 39gr Sierras, both with 26gr H4895. When I arrived at the range today I started with the Sierras. I shot 3 foulers, then proceeded to shoot a 7 shot group I could cover with a nickel. I then figured I better try the Bergers after cleaning. Same 3 foulers, and another 7 shot, nickel sized group. I was thinking if I could do that on my challenge target, I'd be very happy. Keep in mind, all these practive shots with these new loads were on yellow/black Shoot-N-C targets. I think I got a little better group with the Bergers than the Sierras, so I figured they were what I'd shoot my challenge target with. I tried shooting a photo copy of the challenge target, and found my groups widened to 1.5". ???? I went back to the Shoot-N-C and sure enough, .5" 3 shot groups. ???? Time was getting short, so I cleaned once more, shot some foulers, and started shooting my challenge target. 1.5-2" groups. :mad: Really left wondering why I could shoot the yellow/black targets with orange bulls so much better than the b/w targets, but I suppose it figures I could see them better. I could blame the wind also...

Straight from NOAA website. A record of our weather here this afternoon (while I was shooting):
15:55 I was at the post office
15:37 N 9 G 17 59 degrees (sun came out during this half hour)
15:17 N 12 G 20 55 degrees
14:57 N 14 G 18 55 degrees
14:37 N 12 G 22 55 degrees
14:17 NW 13 G 17 55 degrees
13:57 N 14 G 17 55 degrees
13:37 N 10 54 degrees

I noticed something odd with my scope too. When I was dialing in on the bull today, one click caused a 1" elevation change. It did this several times. Going to check this out when I have more time. Today I had to just be comfortable that we were shooting for groups, but it made me wonder if my scope is broke, or something's loose. I checked the mount and it was solid. And I did get some great groups in the first 20 shots today, so ?

I hope I get at least 3rd place in my class. I think there was only 3 shooting black rifles.

Excuses Excuses... I know. Glad to have tried it though. Was fun. Thanks Skipper!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:48 pm
by rayfromtx
On the bag stickiness. My friends and I in the benchrest game use a used dryer sheet between the bag and the rifle to give a smooth as silk feel to the gun movement. It never sticks and it's very consistent. Give it a try and make sure it is a used one. You will be thanking me after your next range trip. I got that idea from Arnold Jewell. Who knows where he got it.