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Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:28 am
by WrzWaldo
I just picked up the targets (the first batch) and will start printing the graphics block on them when I get home this evening. They will be in the mail on Monday!

Please make sure I have you in the correct class/s.




Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:38 pm
by acloco
BunGhoLeo wrote:Uh ohh, were starting to sound like politicians now...

Thinking about this more, and stareing at my target made by my Ruger No. 1, has made me relize that this isn't the 1970's anymore. Technology has brought us to a point where you really have to get a lemon for a rifle or brand of ammo not to shoot good; or your just to prideful to admit that the lack of accrucy could be that fleshy object gripping the stock. Gone are the days that reloading would gain you inches of better accrucy, but now grant us tenths of an inch better from a sub MOA mass produced gun, with some seeking that extra hundreth or thousadths of an inch.

Maybe it should just be an open shoot, and with the rifle and specs placed next to the final score, let the mass's decide for themselfs if it was the gun, or the person pulling the trigger. Like i've said before though. Out of all the modifications we can do, handloading will be the biggest factor.
I agree. Run what ya brung.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:53 pm
by jo191145
Did I hear someone say Prairie Dog Postal Shoot. Sounds great, send me a couple dozen fat ones. I'll bet shipping will hurt but for a guy stuck in Connecticut I'll pay to play.
Send em before winter or they might freeze to death before they get here.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:54 am
by acloco
jo191145 wrote:Did I hear someone say Prairie Dog Postal Shoot. Sounds great, send me a couple dozen fat ones. I'll bet shipping will hurt but for a guy stuck in Connecticut I'll pay to play.
Send em before winter or they might freeze to death before they get here.
LOL! CAREFUL what you ask for!!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:41 am
by .204 Sniper
Yep! You got me listed correctly! :D

What's the matter? You guys afraid of Factory ammo?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:01 am
by Hawkeye Joe
Factory ammo :? What's that :lol:........... I think my wallet and targets are more afraid than me. Nothing bothers me more than a wounded target :lmao:

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 11:32 am
by WrzWaldo
Targets are printed and ready for a trip to the post office on Monday!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:02 pm
by walleyeman
Can't wait. Are they gift wraped? :D

Just kidding.

Let the games begin!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:13 pm
by skipper
Cool, 8) I've been out at the bench all morning. I'm going to shoot one more load development cycle then a couple of weekends of practice before I actually shoot for score. I wanted to do a ladder test with N133 and a couple of my old favorites that shot well in my XR-100. I haven't even tried the 40 gr. Bergers with 25.1 gr. of RE-10X in my Panda yet. That is the XR-100s favorite load. I am pretty confident in the 35 gr. Bergers with 25.6 gr. of Benchmark though. I'll probably go with that load on the day I shoot. Actually, :smirk: I'll probably take a couple of loads that day and see which is best for the conditions.

It looks like the Factory class has the most shooters. That ought to be some interesting results. I am kinda bummed that some of our regular posters and all around nice guys haven't signed up yet. Perhaps they're waiting until the rest of us get settled in so they can pick the best class. I won't mention any names but, their initials are RIO and SF. :eek: Maybe they're just trying to sike us out.

I'm really interested in seeing some of the groups people shoot. I have always thought that the .204 Ruger had some real accuracy potential. My Panda has proved, to me at least, that it's a lot more accurate than most people realize. Not to mention the devastation it wreaks on varmints.

Ya'll better get ready 'cause I'm gunnin for ya'. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:15 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
I was also at the range today with my VLP testing loads for the shoot :twisted: . I hope I don't wear out my barrel before my targets arrive. To my surprise, I finally found a VERY accurate load below max with Benchmark and 35 Bergs. It took 3 identical ladder tests to pick a keeper. 26 grains was it :D . Looks like my load for the shoot unless VV 135 comes together. A load of 27.0 grains of VV135 and the 35 Bergers also showed promise this morning.They flew at an average of 3850 FPS. The 26 grain Benchmark load was at 3710 FPS.
I may have my New 6.5/284 F class Savage with a custom 204 barrel ready in a few weeks :twisted: ."IF" yes I mean "IF" my NightForce scope arrives. They tell me 2 weeks :party1: I'll believe it when I see it :( . Is there a cutoff point on signing up a rifle. After this NO more NEW rifles, just barrels :eek: .

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:28 pm
by WrzWaldo
The last day I will accept requests for targets is "National Hunting And Fishing Day". :wink:

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 5:37 pm
by acloco
In beginning of the preparations for the shoot, I actually weighed some 40 grain VMax's today. FYI - there was a 0.16 variance in 20 bullets.

Yeah...being anal....or...had 15 minutes before I head to work type of thing!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:24 pm
by savage rookie

I weighted 16 rounds of factory 40gr. ammo and had .12 gr variance, and .008" variance in OACL.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:19 pm
by acloco
savage rookie wrote:acloco-

I weighted 16 rounds of factory 40gr. ammo and had .12 gr variance, and .008" variance in OACL.
8 thousandths? ugh...but...what can you expect for mass produced.

Were you weighing loaded rounds? I only weighed bullets.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:52 am
by savage rookie
yeah hornady factory loads....guess i had better start sorting...