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Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:16 am
by sniper model 12
Got the card in Southern Ohio !! Thanks skipper ! This will be fun! I even got the wife excited about the competetion. She started making her own card and targets last night!!

She's mean with a .22lr so I'm almost afraid to see her with my tack driver .204!!!! :cheer:

We'll begin training this time. . . next time she might enter!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:58 am
by foxwhistler
And then she will want her own 204.
Or worse still she will want your 204! :D

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:42 pm
by walleyeman
Skipper, targets made it all the way up here, Sask. Canada, as of Wednesday. (And no I don't know Joe from Toronto! :D )

Was wondering if there are any other participants from the frozen north? If so do we get a handicap since our bullets are more affected by the magnetic pull of the north pole?

Going out this weekend to see what I can do. Will report back!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:59 am
by skipper
Actually there is another Canadian shooter. I hope the bullet doesn't freeze on the way to the target. So if the lines of longitude are closer together in Canada than they are in the states, then is 100 yards less distance? You might have a built in handicap already. :lol: :lol:

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:40 pm
by walleyeman
We have already recieved some frost so you might not be too far off. As far as the built in advantage...I will make sure that I set my target on a north- south plane so that I keep everything fair! :wink:

But wait one second!!!!! In Canada one Gallon of fuel is 4.545 liters in the States one gallon of fuel is around 3.5 liters. Looks to me that you southern guys have the built in advantage :!: You know what they say...everything in the north is bigger!

P.S Just don't tell my wife otherwise she'll think what happened to me? :D

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:55 am
by skipper
I thought you might like to know who you are shooting against. If i've somehow placed you in the wrong class, speak now or forever hold your peace.


Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:47 pm
by jo191145
Nice!! We got quite a few shooters. Good luck too all.

Hope to get out the 204 tomorrow to try a few more variations on the same theme before deciding on the total package.
My next egg shoot is Sept 19th. The 204 seems to be ready even though I only tried 25 rds last weekend since June.
My two 6BR's are giving me more of a headache in the consistency department than my factory Savage 204 :roll:

It might be time to go custom 204 and dump these other silly calibers.

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:19 pm
by skipper
This is the best group I have ever shot with my custom 204 to date. The .204 Ruger is capable of some amazing accuracy. I hope I can do the 204 justice this shoot.

.272 minus .196 (approximate bullet hole diameter) = .076 :eek:


Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:49 pm
by jo191145
Nice group Skipper.
Hows bout sending me a new target with three of those in it. ;) :lol: :lol:

Sorry to say none of my groups from last weekend started with a 0
But considering I thought my tube was toast after Wrz Waldo's 200yd P Dog shoot I was pretty happy.
It just wanted a change I quess :shrug:

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:37 pm
by WaltherP99
Nice group Skipper!

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:44 pm
by walleyeman
Well, finished with the 204um Challenge. My first group was really good. I think I got excited, should of taken my time and let the gun cool off more than I did cause I sure did after that! Oh well its always a blast to shoot in these.


Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:54 pm
by greystone
walleyeman wrote:Well, finished with the 204um Challenge. My first group was really good. I think I got excited, should of taken my time and let the gun cool off more than I did cause I sure did after that! Oh well its always a blast to shoot in these.

Being consistent is the problem! On Saturday I shot some loads that I had excellent results with before. I had high expectations but the results were for me disgusting. Was it the rifle? Was it the loads? NOOO-I think it was maybe the goof pulling the trigger :roll: Last night I put together some identical loads and went out this morning and just shot 2 groups with this load. One was nice and the other a little larger but still alot better than last Saturday. Shooting 3 back to back great groups is the challenge. Anyhow good luck to all :D

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:27 pm
by acloco
Kid you not, but since the infamous "long envelope" arrived, we have not had a day with wind less than 20 mph...and last ALL day long.

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:57 am
by Hotshot
Skipper, is that a 2 shot group or did one bullet turn a little sideways on ya? Really that is fine shooting, it don't matter if Hawkeye is PMing everybody that you shot it at 25 yards. Don't let him bother you.

I shot one of my two targets yesterday. I have one 1 hole group, but the other two have 4 touching with a little white space over to shot number 5. This will be a little better than last year, but not much pressure on the old Top Dog. Still have another target to shoot if I get another nice day. If I can just beat Broncsandwhiskey and get a tie with acloco I'll be tickled.

Good luck shooters and squeeeeeeze that trigger.

Re: 204um Challenge News

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:53 pm
by skipper
I didn't think Hawkeye could see the powder residue with his eyes the way they are. :eek:

After I fired the third shot I started getting nervous. After the fourth shot I was sweating. After the fifth shot I was jumping up and down. Even my son Jaxon didn't believe I fired all five shots at the same bulls eye and he was right there watching.