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2013 AWB

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:47 am
by Glen

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:34 pm
by Jim White
I've read her propsed legislation. Personally, I think she's throwing all the dung she can on the wall and seeing what sticks. I do get concerned if the BATF can classify any weapon to Class-3 status w/o oversight. If they can, that bypasses the congress and allows them all to stay squeky clean, political wise. Also. whether or not Obama can do a Executive Order to do the same, again giving the politicians an escape route.

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:43 am
by Glen
1994 is all I need to remember to know what can happen. I do NOT trust these people.

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:14 pm
by Bodei
I sure hope the NRA still has enough pull, I wasn't too impressed with their "response" to all this.

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:12 am
by savageboy23

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:45 am
by Glen
Everybody needs to write their Congressmen/women. It needs to be done now. There is no more waiting for tomorrow. The time is now. This ban covers firearms that you legally CCW. She claims she only wants 120 firearms banned & that she is leaving hundreds alone. What she really means is "for now". Pump & semi auto shotguns will be next. She has her agenda & it will not take more than a few years to get it all done if this 1st one passes.

The time is now. There is no tomorrow!!!!!!!! Help your Brothers in arms fight this to the end. Now is the time to write and call them. Give the NRA more than just the money to fight this.

Re: 2013 AWB

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:04 pm
by savageboy23