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Last Day of the Season

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:42 am
by skipper
Duck season finally comes to a close with the prospect that I might not get to hunt with my son again for a while. He and his family are being transfered to Elizabeth City, North Carolina so I might not be able to go duck hunting with him next year, or at least not as much.

The north wind had pushed all the water out of the Laguna Madre and getting to hunting spots was a chore. Duck blinds that were normally sitting in or near the water were high and dry so we had to make do with the conditions we had. My grandson went with us this trip and was presented with his very first shotgun. It's a nice little .410 single shot. He even got in a few passing shots at some birds. He should be dropping ducks like a pro pretty soon. The ducks were call shy and spread shy but we did manage to find a spot where the Buffle Heads were using as a fly lane to move back and forth across the Laguna. Every once and a while one would drop into our spread. We should have had at least three times as many ducks as we actually shot that day but we were having such a good time visiting and talking that shooting ducks just didn't seem to be on the top of anyones list. Oh well, it's been a good season and we might not get the chance to hunt together for a while.




Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:59 am
by kenbrofox
Hi skipper, nice story and very nice pictures. Thats an unusual looking .410, what make is it? Never seen anything like that here in UK. Thanks.KB. :doh:

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:52 pm
by steve
Great pics and story and I m sure your grandson loves every second he gets too go hunting with you .

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:52 pm
by skipper
That's called a Tuffy Single Shot. It's made by Rossi/Braztech and has a Taurus transfer bar safety. It's a pretty nice little snakecharmer. My grandson has to use both thumbs to cock it. You just have to see that to appreciate it.

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:27 am
by kenbrofox
Thanks skipper, i was asking because my 11 year old grandson has started to accompany me on occasional wood pigeon shooting trips, he has been using a Webley .410 bolt action, but finds the safety too hard (it involves pulling a part of the bolt back against the pressure of the fireing pin spring) and by the time he's ready the birds are long gone. I really fancy a Tuffy for him to use so i will do some research with the provided and see if i can get one over here. Thanks again,KB. :D

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:51 am
by kenbrofox
Skipper, googled and found Tuffy, info says it has a 22" barrel.... Just too much hassle to get license for that in UK. thanks again,KB. :duh:

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:24 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Skipper: What a great way to spend the last day of the season. The abundant smiles say it all! :D

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:07 pm
by skipper
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts. I know duck hunting isn't most members cup of tea here. It's cold and wet and sometimes miserable, but it's very satisfying to hunt with your children and their children. A warm cup of coffee and a breakfast taquito sure can bring a smile to your face when the thermometer is in the teens or lower. I know that duck hunting isn't very popular on this forum but wing shooting is very satisfying when you limit out on fast moving targets. It's a form of shooting that has attracted my attention because of the challenge it presents. Hitting a fast moving teal is very satisfying. Bringing home a limit of ducks can give you a sense of accomplishment like nothing else. War stories around the fireplace are priceless.

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:32 pm
by steve
skipper I love duck and goose hunting too its one of my favorites.

Re: Last Day of the Season

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:37 am
by WaltherP99
steve wrote:skipper I love duck and goose hunting too its one of my favorites.
+1 on that!

You got another one here Skipper that enjoy's those frigid Saturday morning's! :wtg: Looks like ya had a great time and I am sure you'll eventually have many more to come!

I can't wait till next year! :)