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Christmas Duck Hunt

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:14 pm
by skipper
I went back to Corpus to visit my son and we tore some ducks up. I got a PatternMaster for Christmas made specifically for Black Clouds so I had to learn where the handle was again. I think we did pretty well. Justin limited out within 10 minutes of legal shooting time and my son and I weren't far behind. This area doesn't see many hunters and the birds just seemed to want to land right on top of us.







Here's a little surprize we found when we got back to the boat. What a day!




Re: Christmas Duck Hunt

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:59 pm
by steve
looks like you had a good time Im jealous. Where are the big ducks?

Re: Christmas Duck Hunt

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:28 pm
by skipper
To say we had a blast is an understatement. I really enjoy hunting with my son and Justin. We always have a good time picking on each other and telling tall tales in the duck blind. We even manage to shoot a few ducks between socializing and sipping some good coffee. There's nothing like having your son take you out to do what you took him out to do years ago. I'm just glad they let me tag along. These two kids are some of the best people I know. Either one of them would give you the shirt off their back. Just don't do something stupid to make them miss a shot at a bird. They'll crucify you for that. They might have learned that from me, I'm not sure??????

Here's a shot where I dropped the camera to take out a couple of Pin Tails. My son let me take them knowing good and well that he wouldn't be able to shoot any since you can only shoot one each. I tried to get Justin's for him also but I only nailed two. That's OK, because I shot a Black Duck instead of the third Pin Tail. That rounded out our bag limit.


Re: Christmas Duck Hunt

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:52 pm
by steve
hunting with your kids makes the hunt that much better, I take mine with me whenever I can. They will remember the time they spent hunting with you forever.