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Cooper .204 at 100-200-300 Yard Match

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:37 am
by Vartarg
I've begun competing in some benchrest matches around our area, and went to a 100-200-300 yard event today at a range in Jackson parish, about an hour away from me. It was overcast, about 65 degrees with mist and a little light rain....very cool temperatures for Louisiana at this time of the year.

In the first relay i shot my Savage F Class in 6BR, and followed that in the second relay with my Cooper M21 in .204 Ruger. In the .204 I was shooting Norma brass, Rem 7 1/2 BR primers, 26.6 grains of H335 and 39gr Sierra BK's.

My shooting was nothing to brag least I didn't embarrass myself ;)

I actually scored slightly better with the Cooper than the bull barrel 6BR: 138/150 with the 6BR and 139/150 with the Cooper .204.

A couple of photos attached.....




Re: Cooper .204 at 100-200-300 Yard Match

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:50 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
What a nice way to spend a day - Doing what you love, and testing your skills against like minded people. :wtg:

Re: Cooper .204 at 100-200-300 Yard Match

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:42 am
Looks like fun. I've never been around competitive shooting although I have adopted a lot of their reloading practices. Can you explain the scoring system to a layman? Is it 5 shots at each distance with a maximum of 10pts/shot? Thanks.

Re: Cooper .204 at 100-200-300 Yard Match

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:08 am
by Vartarg
Ramos: yes....5 shots at each distance, with a max score of 150-15X. This is pretty informal competition, and I'm sure ranges/clubs do it in many different ways. The Caddo range I shot at last week uses the same targets, five shots per target for score, at ranges of 100-200-330-415. When I asked about the odd distances, the answer was that "we've always done it that way."

Shooting in 30 minute relays at the Quitman range, it's easy to shoot more than one rifle. The fellow next to me had 4 benchrest rifles, another shot the same BR in all four relays, and some mixed them up. Next month I'll have my .204 Cooper, along with the Savage 6BR and 20VT.

I'm new to this rifle competition myself, but I admit it is fun, and helps me to focus on good loading practices, as well as shooting technique. Besides, the people you meet are friendly and always helpful in assisting new competitors.....

This coming Saturday is our range's (Howard Prince Memorial Range near Pioneer LA) 600 yard match.....getting ready. :mrgreen:

Re: Cooper .204 at 100-200-300 Yard Match

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 10:00 am
Thanks for enlightening me Vartarg. I view paper punching as a "chore". However, if it is a COMPETITION, I bet it is a kick in the pants!