Shooting's unexpected pleasures

General discussion and information about the 204 Ruger.
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Shooting's unexpected pleasures

Post by jrwoitalla »

Not until I rediscovered the joys of shooting(and fishing) did I begin to witness some of the wildlife that I may have never otherwise gotten a chance to enjoy. When I go out shooting vermin, I tend to sit quietly and often have times when my guns are at rest, I've enjoyed the company of such critters as buzzards (which just come out of nowhere), rattlesnakes(even had a baby one take a snooze on my boot once), raccoons, muscrats, weasels, watched a six foot gopher snake devour a squirrel, fished with the beavers, otters, and eagles: have had many of the best times with my buddies doing what I love to do. People that think the NRA and people into guns are just a bunch of shoot-em up, militants are missing both the trees and forest. The way I figure it, it's just another way for me to get into nature and make honest, worthwhile memories while playing with my toys.
The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason- Benjamin Franklin
Sth Oz Dan
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Re: Shooting's unexpected pleasures

Post by Sth Oz Dan »

I had a bearded dragon (not as vicious as it sounds) watching me while I lined up on a red deer a few days back.
Not the same one, but this one was enjoying the warmth of my bike tyre a few months ago.
It's great knowing that I may have dispatched of a fox or two that may have otherwise eaten this awesome little native critter.
Just gotta stop it from eating flowers in our vegie patch :lol:
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