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Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:21 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Happy Straylya day to all in Oz and any Aussies abroad.
Tell us what your plans are.

I'll be going down the foreshore to enjoy the festivities as our local 4/5 day Tunarama festival kicks off. My sister inlaw is event organizer this year so I'll be keen to see what she's cooked up for us.
I have to try to find time to listen to JJJ's hottest 100 countdown too. I'm backing Gotye will go #1.

Don't forget to chuck plenty of juicy Spencer Gulf King Prawns on the BBQ :D

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:53 pm
by Tokimini
Have a great day and make sure and have a few coffee porters for me. Then wash them down with a Fosters.

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:38 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Tokimini wrote:Have a great day and make sure and have a few coffee porters for me. Then wash them down with a Fosters.
I'll do no such thing re Fosters.
It's actually a brew that's very rare here, made pretty much for export. We keep the good stuff here!
I'm a huge fan and supporter of all the little guys. You get great variety and interesting flavour combos from the microbrewers, and it's a passion for them, not just a job.
But as far as the bigger brewers go, you can't go past South Australia's own Coopers Pale Ale!
And I'll certainly have a few of them for ya. Might save the coffee porters for winter though :pint: .
Cheers Toki

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:50 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
I folded.
After having bacon and eggs for breaky, and a few coffees, looked outside and decided it was near enough to winter for this time of year - cold and windy. Had a porter in the fridge for the last few weeks and curiosity got the better of me.
-Shameless plug for a micro brewery we found on our holiday :D

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:51 pm
by boomer84
Aussie Aussie Aussie! Mates hope you having a glorious Australia Day. I sure am!

Woke up early (5:30am) too hot to sleep (33deg C). So went for a whistle and got a fox then back for breaky by the pool and now in the pool as the temperature rises. Had an early beer (not Fosters) :eew: about ten then a another swim then a few more beers as mates roll in and the barby fires up and now the temp is well above 40deg C. So with the Prawns sizzling and the meat still mooing, the beers flowing, great mates, and a fox down to the mighty 204 who can ask for a better day! Well maybe another fox tonight but will have to see the affects the beer has in this heat. :D

Happy Australia Day guys


Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:49 am
by Tokimini
Sounds like it was a great breakfast Dan.

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:52 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Wish I coulda added a fox to my day too Boomer.
Glad it wasn't 40+ here though.
Hope your head's recovering better than mine - wine and very little to eat - not a good combo.

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:42 pm
by boomer84
Pulled up pretty good! Hit the rum mid afternoon and kicked back in the pool. Water is the beverage of the day today! and lots of it. ha ha ha
Hope the head is easing by now!

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:15 am
by Mega
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.

Over on the East Coast it was a miserable cool, windy and wet day. Festivities were planed down at the Local but that costs money and I'm broke after paying for a new custom build rifle. Sorry, not a .204Ruger....just something silly like 6.5x47 Lapua in a Tikka T3 Action, F-Class Custom Drop In Stock that I've been waiting 6 months to get to finish the project. Now for load development.

Spent the day and night inside doing reloading chores and development loads for when the weather improves. Eventually lit the fire to warm up and decided to have a few "Tooheys" topped
off with some Innercircle Rum.... I think the head is still a bit sore.....!!!!! I don't think it got much over 15 degrees C here all day. So much for the middle of summer.

G'day to all the Aussies....Oi Oi Oi .

Re: Chuck another prawn on the barby

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:03 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Looks like the weekend will bring better weather for ya Mega - You could try celebrating Ozzie day again :lol:
I'm gonna watch the Tunarama parade at noon, watch the heats for the tuna toss in the arvo, then finish off the day with the fireworks.
For those that don't know, the tuna toss is like the hammer throw, but with a 12kg tuna. They've replaced the real fish in recent years for a plastic one - reduces mess and wasted meat. But the real fish still come out for the finals tomorrow. The record stands at a touch over 37 metres. I've never had a "toss", but my cousin is a regular competitor, coming 3rd one year and 2nd another. I prefer my tuna on a plate - cooked or raw.
Oi Oi Oi - the party continues :stickman: :pals: