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Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:06 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
I've been out fishing for 11 nights.
I work on a prawn boat and we fish from dusk til dawn.
The catch rate has been fairly dismal so, although we're up all night, there's been plenty of down time.
As I can't have my 204 out here, the forum is the closest thing I've got to being involved in my hobby.
So every morning, and often a few times during the night I've been checking the forum for new posts.
Keep the conversation flowing guys, coz we've still got 2 nights left before we can begin the steam homeward, and the catches aren't gonna improve.

I MISS 204. . . Ooops, I mean girlfriend ;)

Eat the mighty Spencer Gulf King Prawn - sweet, and sustainable.

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:22 am
by Tokimini
Aussie Aussie Aussie!!! I hope your fishing improves.

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:05 am
by inKYfromSD
Hmmm. I'm thinking a stainless barrel/action, synthetic stock, good scope - might be fun for those critters on the high seas, varmint birds, etc... Moving target from a moving platform, you could learn a lot about shooting that way.

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:54 am
by zx10mike
back in two days . bugger i better put your gun back in its cabinet and give your girlfriend a kiss goodbye. :D thats the least of your problems you smell all fishy. :) not long mate atb mike

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:07 am
by Sth Oz Dan
Nice one Mike. Haven't tested my Ruger out past 250 yds, but my front gate is about 300. Figure I could give it a go if your having trouble with the gate latch :lol:
inKYfromSD - got the stainless/synthetic but just not sure on the regulations re guns on commercial vessels and protected bird species. Guess I've got some research to do when I get home.

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:51 pm
by zx10mike
i'm no expert but i doubt the local plod will here you shooting at sea.time to butter up the captain,tell him there have been pirates working in the area and you can offer protection for a small pay rise.but you need to stay sharp and practice.and don't worry i'm fat so you would shoot me at less than 100 yds.

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:59 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
:D yeah not much constabulary action out here, but once the boundary has been stepped over, I may have trouble convincing mr law man I won't do it again. I'd rather stick by the rules and keep my license. It's too much fun. And absence makes the trigger finger grow fonder.
Well we've been given one more night of fishing, so you can stick around a little longer Mike, just keep your mitts off my shootin stick :lol:

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:53 pm
by GTOHunter
I've been going out Coyote Hunting since the close of Rifle Deer Season here in Missouri,its been pretty slow and I think the Coyotes are still nervous from being shot at the 11 days of our Gun season since we haven't seen one yet....been hearing a lot of barking and howling just nothing showing its face out in the open yet? :wall:

We also sat over-looking several carcass/Deer piles only seeing a few Buzzards here and there...hopefully we get colder weather and some snow to bring out the Predators that are getting Calling/Shooting Partner did see a Bobcat on a field edge but didn't get a shot off at it hasn't been too bad I guess? :roll: :chin: :wink:

The Stars are nice and bright since we've only had a start of a new moon the past few days....can't wait til snow is on the ground and we can watch across several open pasture Fields and pop a few Coyotes! :idea: :duh: :mrgreen:

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:03 am
by zx10mike
Sth Oz Dan wrote::D yeah not much constabulary action out here, but once the boundary has been stepped over, I may have trouble convincing mr law man I won't do it again. I'd rather stick by the rules and keep my license. It's too much fun. And absence makes the trigger finger grow fonder.
Well we've been given one more night of fishing, so you can stick around a little longer Mike, just keep your mitts off my shootin stick :lol:
he he bravo , hope you get out soon.just packing don't trust you

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:56 am
by bow shot
full moon, snow, and a good 'scope.. ahhh!! Dead 'yotes!! Can't wait! Its the only thing I like a bout snow here in NY though, LOL!!!

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:03 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
Home sweet home.
Managed to keep my hands off my gun cabinet when I first got in, but had a fiddle with some new tools that arrived while I was away - shell holder and flash hole deburrer.
Started drifting in and out of consciousness in front of the TV late arvo, then sprang to attention when my darling girlfriend alerted me to a fox in my neighbour's paddock.
Bare feet, shirtless, I ran to my vantage point only to find the grass is too long to clear with the bipod :mad:
Continued my run down hill to the fence where I hoped to get a closer shot and clearance from grass.
By then the dog had run further uphill along the fence so I continued the chase.
For the next 15 minutes I battled with deciding wether to take a rough shot at any chance, or find another rest.
Never managed to get closer than about 180 yds, and without a bipodal rest, a 20 knot wind, and already set sun, the odds were in foxy's favour.
Frustratingly, I watched him dance further away, chasing mice and frolicking about.
He never saw me. I never got a shot off.
Next time mate - next time.
Dan's home now - watch ya six he he he

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:43 pm
by GTOHunter
Its probably better You didn't shoot at the Fox and make him affraid of ever showing up again...?Keep Us updated on how the Fox Hunting progresses? :D :wink: ;)

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:30 am
by Sth Oz Dan
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Saw two foxes the next morning. One laying down, the other casually strolling around it.
Drove my ute around to get a rest above the grass. They saw me and bolted.

Same day, late arvo, went out to where I'd left the ute to sit and wait but spotted one walking across the paddock! No steak-out, straight up on the bonnet and found him in my sights - 5 times :huh: Each shot was aimed for the same POI, but some went over, some went under. I was using the same "grooved brass" factory rounds I mentioned in another post so have to blame it on them - shot another a while back with the same factory rounds that had no grooves, same spot, one shot where I aimed :chin:

Only got home Saturday arvo, and heading on a holiday Wednesday morning (with the girlfriend - sorry Mike :lol: ).
Have to leave the gun behind again :cry: , well I'll actually leave it at a mate's place half way to our destination, because we're stopping there on the way back to go looking for goats and pigs :D :D

Hopefully those foxes have enough time to regain confidence while we're gone. They were young, could be dumb enough

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:47 pm
by GTOHunter
:idea: Put up a decoy...or even a feather on a thread attached to a tall rod/stick to use as a distraction and even try some calling with a rabbit in distress call to get those Foxes in closer...then put a hole in one of them! :D :duh:

Re: Forum keeping me sane

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:21 pm
by Sth Oz Dan
I didn't have to wait long. They are young and dumb. (I'm guessing) same two foxes playing in the same spot when I got home last night.
Same (what I'm now calling dodgy) batch of ammo that hit her leg, followed by another 4 misses :shrug:
Wasn't sure wether to be embarrassed or frustrated, but then I chambered one of my untested reloads - that's the neck/shoulder hit - exactly where I aimed :chin: