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How much do you pay?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:54 pm
by jrwoitalla
How much do you people pay for FFL fees? I am just a bit grumpy right now after talking to my FFL dealer. I am a member of a shooting range that offers lots of great service- including a member that has an FFL its members to buy guns. The last gun I bought was back in March and it only cost me $17.50 per gun as I got two guns at the same time. I am now waiting to go get a 221 fireball and can't even go do the paper work until Saturday even though the gun has been here since Thurs. because of work conflicts between him and I. What really has me irked is that it is going to cost me $60 for the DOS on this gun! And then it will be another ten days after the paper work is done before I can even get the dang gun. ARRRG! It's getting so that the price of a new gun is only half its cost anymore. After shipping, registration, taxes and who knows what else they are going to charge- it is ridiculous. What extra costs are added onto your purchases and how long do you have to wait to take possession of your gun after purchase?

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:28 am
by Wrangler John
Live in California huh? Well, as the sheep said to Babe in the movie of the same name: "That's just the way things are, dear."

Last action I bought (hardly ever buy entire rifles) cost $35.00 for the paper work. It does no good to be angry, but relief is on the way. NRA and others have filed a suit in federal court asking that the DROS fees, or that portion of them that are used for purposes other than processing the DROS itself, be declared an unconstitutional tax placed on exercising a fundamental right. No government can tax a right, and now the right to keep and bear arms has been declared an individual right (Heller), and that right is binding on the states (McDonald). California recently passed a law that allows the state to use excess DROS fees for other purposes - hence its a tax. Info at the link below. ... ales-fees/

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 3:28 am
by Glen
Ohio-- I pay my guy $20 & pick the gun up the day it is delivered. Unless it's on the shelf then I take it home that day.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:54 am
by Bill K
Bet, also, you are from Kalifornia.. But,even if not, is it not reassuring how the DROS record and so many other such paper work stops criminals from obtaining firearms? heck all they need do is work with ATF and Obama,Clinton and Holder and "Fast and Furious" and they need not fill out any paperwork..and they can even get guns that we Mortals are not able to obtain i.e. rocket launchers, etc. Bill K

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:04 am
by Rick in Oregon
For us here, it's a flat $20 to use the FFL, and take the rifle or handgun home the same day.

Sounds like you're having the unfortunate experience of living in The People's Republik of Kalifornia (did it too for a while, couldn't wait to get out.) Hope you escape to The Free World some day. ;)

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:51 am
by Vartarg
Gunstores around here charge $40 to $ gunsmith, who's 85 miles away charges me $10. I just pick up guns when I'm dropping off or picking up firearms with him....I'm retired, so I don't mind the travel.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:54 am
by Mike
$25 for me to use a local FFL and there are no waiting periods in Missouri for rifles or handguns.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:41 pm
by futuretrades
I do live in the peoples republik of Kulifornia. I have bought guns from 2 different gun stores, in the last couple years. Both of them charged me $25.00. That is what the state charges them for paperwork. My local guy told me that the FFL may charge as much as he feels he can charge and get away with it. The wait period here in the repulik is 10 days, no matter what kind of firearm you buy, which is B.S. because all the states do checks thru the NICS system, National Instant Check System. This background check, only takes a few minutes, but the Gubment here in the republik just tries to pi$$ every gun buyer off, and stop as many sales as they can, without outright breaking the laws we live under.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:02 pm
by ryutzy
I also pay 20 bucks and walk out with the gun from my gunsmith

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 3:57 am
by Glen
I should add my gun shop only charges $10. He told me all FFL fees go to his Daughter's college fund so I give him $20 truth or not. I don't ask to see his records & he beats the other shops around here by $50-$75.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:22 pm
by hydehunter1
I won a pistol at a match and the gun shops in Sacto charged 100.00 for the right to receive bit and then charge the dross on top of that

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:47 am
by Trent
hydehunter1 wrote:I won a pistol at a match and the gun shops in Sacto charged 100.00 for the right to receive bit and then charge the dross on top of that
Now that right there is F'd up!

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:52 am
by Trent
My FFL holder is an 85 year old gentleman that lives down the road from me. He and his wife are wonderful people that take care of me and do my xfers. He charges a flat $25. He does almost enough transfers each year to pay for the license. He isn't making any money off it. This year (2011) he hasn't transferred more than 6 or 8 guns. I gave him $30 this last time and I'll do the same when/if my Savage ever comes. (hear that Savage... I am tired of waiting... send me my LRP!)

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:01 pm
by Melvin Eades
My dealer charges $20.00.

Re: How much do you pay?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:12 am
by GaCop
The shop I work in charges $15. Most shops in the area charge around $25. No waiting period in Georgia.