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exploding targets

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:00 pm
by btlbrn
So what do you guys like for exploding targets? Shaving cream is good, #2 1/2 can of corn is FANTASTIC!! Water bottles are cool. Full soda cans are most impressive. Not so many varmints in my neck of the desert. :mad:

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:10 pm
by Clint E
Half rotton apples,tomatos,crab apples others call them hedge apples,punkins filled with water witch is my uncles favorite thing to explode.
basicly anything that is free or uneditable.
Not many varmints here either

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:29 pm
by ryutzy
well lately i've been smacking those pesky dirty disease carrying starlings with my .17 HMR with the Hornady 17 grain vmax. The feather explosions are fun if you hit them right. The pieces go flying....wing here, head there etc. Il shoot them lengthwise if possible for the best feather flying results. If not I'll hit and the shoulder wing junction. The varmints here are slim because the yoteys get all the groundhogs. I did see one on a farm yesterday that I have permission to hunt, but I almost hate to try to shoot it. They need to repopulate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:43 pm
by Trent
If you are in the Southwest then there should be lots of citrus trees around. Oranges and grapefruits make good targets especially if they are on the southside of ripe!

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:28 am
by 204hotrod
If ya really want to see the feathers fly; try hitting the starlings with your 204 and 32 gr vmax------- kinda just vaporizes them!!!!!

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:00 pm
by ryutzy
hotrod--LOL yeah I may have to try that on a bird or two just for kicks. Should be fun

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:39 pm
by Rick in Oregon
btlbrn wrote:So what do you guys like for exploding targets?
Most of the time, we use these, but larger ones (first hatch of the year):


When hit with a 204, they go like this:


Then they look like this:


Seriously though, we're blessed with an unlimited supply of Beldings Ground Squirrels and rock chucks, so don't have to resort to the shaving cream or soda can routine. "Go west young man." :D

(Sorry, couldn't resist..... :wink: )

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:43 pm
by 204hotrod
Great pics looks a lot like a prairie dog at the business end of the 204! I just can't get my finger from the trigger to the shutter button fast enough!!!!!!! LOL

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:03 am
by Wrangler John
ryutzy wrote:well lately i've been smacking those pesky dirty disease carrying starlings with my .17 HMR with the Hornady 17 grain vmax. The feather explosions are fun if you hit them right. The pieces go flying....wing here, head there etc. Il shoot them lengthwise if possible for the best feather flying results. If not I'll hit and the shoulder wing junction. The varmints here are slim because the yoteys get all the groundhogs. I did see one on a farm yesterday that I have permission to hunt, but I almost hate to try to shoot it. They need to repopulate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are called "feather novas!" First one I ever saw was a pigeon hit by my .257 Roberts Ackley with a 75 grain HP - it was awesome! The exploding nova left a slowly descending nebula of feathers and what appeared to be goo dripping from the branch. Sort of a squib gazpacho. Astronomical, just astronomical! :mrgreen:

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:06 pm
by btlbrn
Thanx for that... "Go west young man." :D

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:16 pm
by Clint E
Rick in Oregon wrote:
btlbrn wrote:
Seriously though, we're blessed with an unlimited supply of Beldings Ground Squirrels and rock chucks, so don't have to resort to the shaving cream or soda can routine. "Go west young man." :D

(Sorry, couldn't resist..... :wink: )

I tried to go west wife said no because i wouldnt ever make it to work . I guess i will have to wait till i retire and have a summer home out west they can come vist .

Re: exploding targets

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:57 pm
by ryutzy
RIO I was thinking about moving to Colorada as I've got relatives and some friends there, but then I got married! Now she says no lol! Thats ok tho I guess cuz I just landed my dream job here, so I'll settle for lots of trips to various western states.