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Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:53 pm
by Snoplop
Ran across this article on . Not sure where to post such topics or if you'd rather not get something started.
Seems they have established themselves as another bank that needs to be put out of business IMHO. Kinda aggravates me, thought I would just throw it out there for ya'll to chew on... goes down about as good as a lot of other things we are being fed these days. Information is power.

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:21 pm
by Snoplop
Just when I started to cool down, ran across more info on

The following is a snapshot of the article.

The Politics of Credit

The Warne Scope Mounts Company of Oregon was doing business - the manufacture of scope mounts and components thereof.

While in the process of doing business, Charles Lake, President of Warne Scope Mounts, submitted an application from the company for a business line of credit to purchase materials to make work benches as well as to purchase appliances, to the Home Depot. Nothing Home Depot sells Warne is used in their products.

The credit line was approved on September 28. On the 29th, Mr. Lake received a call from the Home Depot credit department saying the line of credit was rescinded. He asked if it was something in the company's credit rating. "No," he was told. "It's because of the industry you are in."

Mr. Lake asked for the specific problem as Warne just makes parts, not guns or ammo. According to Mr. Wilcox, a Company VP, the response was, "You make parts for the gun industry."

Mr. Lake had his office manager called the national credit department to ask about the rescission. He was told that is their policy.

A letter, dated September 30, 2010, was received October 4. It confirmed that the "account was opened in error . . ." going on to say, "Our policy restricts us from lending to businesses in your industry." Oddly, a disclaimer appears at the base of the letter, saying that federal law prohibits discrimination in lending "on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age; because all or part of the applicant's income derives from any public assistance program . . ." The letter was from Home Depot Credit Services, Citibank (South Dakota), N.A., Creditor.

So, NOW whatdaya think.... :mad: I gotta quit reading this stuff

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:13 am
by glenn asher
I am thinking that they are no better then ebay, Paypal or Meg Whitman, who's ruined ebay and is now running for governor of CA. There ARE other banks without the "social conscience" of such nonsense, and I'd advise them to look into other venues for their credit line.

I dunno that Whitman is any better than Brown for that state, both sucketh mightily.

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:48 am
by Rick in Oregon
This exact thing happened to a certain bullet maker located near here. They pulled their account and instructed employees NOT ever to purchase anything at Home Depot for the company again after receiving the same notice as posted above.

This is America, and we have options! When will these idiot liberals ever "get it"? (Yeah, I know......never :? )

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:43 am
by No Quarter
Isn't it strange that Citi Bank provides Government Travel cards to our Military. WTF?

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:19 pm
by Snoplop
Money talks.
Watched "Food Inc." a while back. Those who haven't seen it may find it thought provoking. They showed the impact shoppers have on large corporations. Even Wal-Mart started stocking organic foods when they realized they were missing out on $. ( Wasn't from them suddenly getting a conscience.) A direct result of when people shop, they are voting with their wallet. Buy junk from undesirable outfits, they will oblige by flourishing. Something to keep it in mind on the rainy days when yer cooped up with money to burn. Nothing better than making a varmit' the focal point of a smoldering hole and helping out the local farmer all in one shot. Kinda makes ya all warm an fuzzy inside huh. I cast my vote for American farmers. Expect ..hope.. our generation will turn the table and be holding china and supporting corporations over the barrel once they realize if it weren’t for our farmers, they would have to eat money. Just my 2 cents.

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:19 am
by cracker
go to your local home depot store and pick up their customer complaint forms (take a few of them and pass them around to your friends) let them know you will never spend another dime in their store for this reason. Or you could just read this and say WTF, do nothing and hope someone else will fight your fight.
I have found over the years if you want to teach someone something its best to do it buy hitting them in the wallet. example: we could not get the grandson to flush the toilet, put a jar with a sign "Flush jar" forget to flush and you owe a quarter. There is one quarter in that jar and its been there some time now.

Re: Citibank Refuses to Issue Credit to Gun Parts Makers

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:38 am
by assailant
Snoplop wrote:Money talks.
I cast my vote for American farmers. Expect ..hope.. our generation will turn the table and be holding china and supporting corporations over the barrel once they realize if it weren’t for our farmers, they would have to eat money. Just my 2 cents.

if it werent for your farmers, a great many number of far less affluent farmers around the world would have better access to market.

your country is one of the worst for propping up under performing and inefficient farms via federal subsidies. when the US calls for free trade agreements and rolling back of protectionism (especially in europe where this practice is also rife) it smacks of hypocrisy.

much like the hypocrisy of your government condemning china for consistently undervaluing its yuan to improve exports.
what is the US federal reserve currently doing? deliberately and meticulously devaluing your currency. why? because whilst your economy flatlines, unemployment stagnates at a stubborn 10% with marginal growth the fed drops interest rates to effectively zero and yet still no stimulation.

with few triggers left to pull the fed begins what it euphemistically calls 'quantitative easing' or more accurately the printing of money, or even more literally (because they dont bother actually spending money on printing money) simply buying back their own federal bonds.
this has the immediate effect of flooding the market with US dollars which can do but only one thing - reduce the value of the currency.
but why would you do that? unless of course to stimulate US exports? but isnt that what the US has complained about the chinese doing for years? oh... yeah.

so its not good news for me because i like to go shooting on all the (wheat) farms here in west aust but the poor farmers are dealing with the second worst harvest on record (drought) and record high US dollar (aussie dollar now > US dollar for first time in history) which makes their wheat exports more expensive.
to compound matters, with our ridiculous firearms laws we cant even take advantage of the cheap US imports to bring in some good value rifles, ammo or even magazines.