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Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:54 pm
by chuckhunter
I just purchased a new Savage 12VLP. It is my first stainless steel barrel. Is there anything special that I should know about cleaning or breaking it in?? Thanks in advance :D

p.s. A friend of mine suggested that I use sweets 7.62 for cleaning out the copper. Would this be ok?

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:54 pm
by glenn asher
Use your normal cleaning process, but do not ever, EVER, use a stainless steel brush in the barrel. Bronze or nylon brushes will work okay, but the stainless is rough on 'em, according to most gunsmiths, anyway.
Other than that, treat it like any other barrel.

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:07 am
by chuckhunter
Thanks glenn......What about sweets for copper?

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:59 am
by Rick in Oregon
Sweets and Barnes CR-10 are both excellent for copper removal. Just don't let either of them sit in your barrel longer than 15 minutes, and apply with patches or nylon brush....never use a bronze brush with copper removers. After using either solvent mentioned, neutralize the chemical effects of the amonia with regular Shooters Choice or similar solvent, alcohol also works well for this purpose.

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:09 pm
by chuckhunter
Thanks Rick. Will do :D .

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 7:39 pm
by Captqc
I'm not sure how your Stainless Steel barrel will clean up but mine sure cleans easier than my blued steel barrel. Gary

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:25 am
by maverick
Here's a pretty good read on barrel cleaning and break-in. I tend to agree with this much more so than any other school of thought I've read on barrel cleaning and break-in (and there are a bunch out there). Had quite a bit of useful info for me. ... er=1584470

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:00 pm
by FireBallGuy
I agree with what everyone says here, use your normal cleaning routine and go easy with the agressive copper solvents. I use sharpshooter's product now and I really like it. You can kinda just put in in there and let it do it's thing! My remington 204 hardly fouls. Was kind of testing it for the last few months by not cleaning it. Got around 160 down it and now it is time to clean it....was having a hard time hitting stuff on the weekend. The gun was so bang on this winter did not want to have to foul it before I went hunting so I left it dirty....makes sense? Not likely.

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:15 am
by Griff

I have the same rifle and use the Boretech Eliminator (as per it's instructions) with patches and a nylon brush. So far it has been really great. Do a google on the product and you will see the great feedback it produces. All I can say is that I have been thoroughly impressed with it. The only slight problem is that it does give a false "copper" reading from brass jags. I have a "proof positive" jag on order from the manufacturer. This however is still not a great problem as the 'false' reading and fouling are different colours.

Hope that helps.

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:38 pm
by giterdone
I have been using the Proof-Positive jags since they first came out and they do eliminate the false reading that brass jags cause with Bore-Tech Eliminator. I also use their C4 carbon remover product prior to using the Eliminator copper/fouling remover. Works great. The Proof-Positive jags appear to be made from a hard grade of aluminum with a brass like anodized finish. They are definite time savers and prevent over cleaning the bore. :twocents:

Re: Cleaning a stainless steel barrel

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:40 pm
by chuckhunter
Thanks for all the input guys. All good advice. :D