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Savage accuracy

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:14 pm
by Dennis
Here's a dumb one, but I'm kinda stumped

If the Savage LPRV rifles are as accurate as some of the reports I've heard, why are'nt they being used in benchrest more?
I know the Savages shoot well, I dont have one, yet anyway, I've always been a Remington fan. But according to the reports, the Savages are shooting as well as, if not better than alot of the custom bench guns.

Thanks, good shooting

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:24 am
by WaltherP99
Lack of believer's, IMHO! :)

Other than that...I can't help ya! I will be new to the BR game here shortly and I have plans on using a "custom" based on a Savage!

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:33 am
by Mike
I'm not a BR guy, so take my comments with a heavy grain of salt...

Anyone serious about winning is going to use the best equipment possible. If a Savage was the best option available, BR shooters would be using it. Since they're not, I have to believe that better options exist.

That's not to say that an LRPV is a slouch in the accuracy department. I've fired two of them and saw good accuracy with both.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:26 pm
by acloco
They are using them in F/TR and BR comps. Search the state/national events....

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:04 pm
I grew up a Rem. 700 guy (I'm 45). Wanted to buy a .204 on a tight budget and was talked into ordering a Savage Model 12 FLV. I did not plan on liking it, after all, it's ugly, tupperware stock, poorly finished, and the way they are manufactured they should not group well at all. That was almost two years and many, many rounds ago. At present, my re-load round is as good as it will get and I average slightly under .5" groups @ 100 yds. I'am talking to MPI Stocks in Portland about their Tactical Stock to hopefully tighten the pattern a bit more and improve comfort when shooting prone with a bi-pod. This gun is my "truck" rifle and bounces around 365 days a year. It has a Nikon Buckmaster 6-14X40 scope and Dednutz base/rings. All priced for the common family guys budget. All I can say is it has very repeatable accuracy, even with a $5.00 stock! I'm sure you can buy a more accurate rifle but you will spend many times more to get it.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:20 pm
by Captqc
First of all welcome to the forum. I've seen those MPI stocks and they look really good. When you get her fixed up post some pics.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:28 am
by OldTurtle
Dennis, I think comparing a factory Savage to a Custom Benchrest rifle that most competitors shoot is a little like the old Apple/Orange situation...

I have a "El Cheapo" Savage 16FSS that I bought when the .204 first hit the markets and have never found a justifiable reason to "upgrade" to one of the 'prettier' brands...

Some of the guys that get into bench rest shooting are using rifles that start at $3,000 and go up from there...There is no way I would attempt to compete with them with my little old Savage, on a serious basis.,...

When several of us bought into the .204 cartridge, I had the least expensive rifle of the five in the group and on our first group outing, mine was out shooting theirs, with them shooting my rifle....

I guess my point is: For a factory stock, mass produced rifle, the Savage has historically been a little above the others on a general basis in the accuracy department.... I'm sure there are exceptions and I would like to own one....But for the $400 price tag,,, the Savage is very accurate..

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:51 pm
by jo191145
Hi Dennis

I'm a big fan of Savage. They're not perfect by any means. Nice to be able to fix any problems at home without a smith tho.
Think your factory barrel is a bummer instead of a hummer? Expieriment on it. Things go bad you can replace it much cheaper than other manufacturers. A large shank Shilen costs about $300 ready to screw on and shoot. The knowledge gained from tinkering is priceless.
Thats why I like em.

What type of Bench Rest are you referring too?
Do you have any idea how accurate a custom BR rifle actually is?? More importantly its agging ability.

Some Savages can shoot real accurate. I have a Pac-Nor 6BR 14 twist on a standard VLP action/stock that can run real close to my full custom 6ppc. Real close won't win matches tho :lol: I'll be using it for a non regulated semi custom next year. Just for fun at IBS shoots.

I'm talking short range BR. The LRPV you ask about is just too heavy to make any class. The VLP's might make Heavy Varmint.
Most short range guns can make either LV or HV depending upon weight in the stock. The light guns can compete in any class but not vice versa. It pays to have a gun that can make LV unless you have a bunch of em.
Folks who invest enough of thier money and time to compete at the top levels do not settle for less than the absolute best.

For longer range BR they can compete. The LRPV's stock is not designed for LRBR tho. I have a "SSS Dog Tracker" offset stock on my F class rig thats really sweet.
Team Savage has done real well using factory guns at International events. Brought home a bit of wood and left the competition kickin rocks. Can't gripe about that.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:42 pm
by giterdone
If a person is on a budget and wants the most bang for his buck then the Savage is the one to consider. I like nice wood and heavy barrels as much as the next guy, but when it comes down to the "most accurate for the lowest buck" its Savage; not Remington or Browning or Ruger (Sorry Guy's). Just think, you may even have some money left over to buy a new scope too. :twocents:

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:37 am
by LeeC
The US F-class matches in England were won this year by the US team shooting off the rack Savage F/TR rifles. Not bad for el cheapo rifles.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:43 am
by JBinMontana
LeeC wrote:The US F-class matches in England were won this year by the US team shooting off the rack Savage F/TR rifles. Not bad for el cheapo rifles.
This is the soul reason for my want of a Savage on my next go around for a bolt gun... accuracy and the price.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:55 pm
Thanks for the welcome. I too think the MPI Stock is a good way to go. If a guy is a left hand Savage shooter, the choices get mighty slim! You can get one from the bottom of the barrel or the top. Have not found one from the middle.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:58 pm
by jo191145

I consider the VLP to be middle of the road. Comes in left hand models.
Theres a lot of left hand Savs available actually. Models 16,14,12,11,10 all have some lefties.

Re: Savage accuracy

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:56 pm
Those that I have talked to in the last few years, have rifles that cost a lot of money compared to a factory Savage, Ruger, Kimber, Winchester, Remington production rifle. Those guys spend at least $3000 dollars upward and the scope is another $1000 or more. Not to mention that if your rifle can not shoot into the .3's, you best not apply.

I have some good shooting varmint/predator rifles in factory guns but nothing like shooting in the .2's & 3's which bench rest shooters do 24/7! Most of mine will shoot .5's & 6's, some .700 which is plenty good for me out to 350 yards. I also use those plan jane Leupold or Bushnell rifle scopes that sell for $350 to $500 dollars and that is plenty good for my type shooting. :) 8)