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The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:09 am
by Glen
This happened on 11-1-09. I've had to use Diane's little laptop so I didn't post it much. But I have a new computer now so here goes.

Have you ever heard how the big ones can just appear or vanish as if they are ghosts?? Then it's like they were never even there & you know you weren't hallucinating!! Well I'll try to re-create things as they happened. I'm still a little bubbly over all this. :mrgreen:

I was setting there all strapped in,, safety 1st :wink: ,, when suddenly this very nice buck literally jumps out at me from no where. He came in from my left & I literally had milliseconds to react. His head was very low as if trailing a doe,, which we didn't see,, & he was on the move. A fast trot but not a run. I had a lane to my left,, which he crossed at the speed of light,, & the one directly in front of us. This was where it got interesting. My brain overrode my body & immediately I had to hit the brakes on this one!!! I pounded him in the left front shoulder & knocked him to the ground. He thrashed for a minute or so then got up & yep,, you guessed it,, VANISHED!!!! I just wanted to :wall: now!! Luckily Diane was with me & told me not to worry about it none. We would find it as she knew exactly where I hit it & she knew it was a good hit. Then she called my Brother & BIL to help us find him. We looked for about 45 minutes & it was real dark so we just quit for the night.

Well I went back out Monday AM to no avail. And I know it was a hard hit as I felt it too. Here are the only pics I got out of this. They aint much but maybe they tell the story better than I could.




BTW-- Diane & I were not injured in any way & were never in any danger. With that being said all comments,, including the humorous ones are Welcome. :wink:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:19 am
by Rick in Oregon
Glen...first off, glad you and the misses are both okay. But you should always remember that pedestrians always have the right-of-way! :lol:

Somewhere around those parts, there's a buck that's hurtin' for certain...... Hope you're able to find him before he goes to waste. Of course, the coyotes would not call it waste at all I suppose..... :chin:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:46 am
by Gube
Yup, tis the season. Hopefully you have insurance for the truck repair. I've smacked a few with the vehicles over the years. Two in one shot with my old 94 chevy. We have quite a few spots with regular deer crossings for my trip back and forth to work. At this time of the year, it's dark when I leave for work and when I come back home. The peripheral vision awareness becomes quite heightened in these areas at this time of the year.

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:08 am
by Captqc
Glen, Glad to hear that you and the wife are okay! I do have to agree with Rick however...looks like classic wheelchair marks to me! :eek: :lol: By the way, here in Oregon our deer are smarter as they time their runs better. The wife was driving our new car while we were on vacation in southern Oregon when she says "look at that deer" (running a fence line to our right) so I look up from the map I was reading just in time to see this fool make a hard left and run right in front of us! :shock: She took about a thousand miles off the new tires but somehow managed to miss that bugger! :lol: Gary

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:02 am
by Glen
$3600 & change for the repairs. State Farm is footing the bill. :wink:

It's good to know folks care about their internet Friends enough to make those smart a$$ comments. I knew I could count on you guys!! :wtg: :wtg:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:31 pm
by Captqc
Sarcasm, Just one of many things I offer! :player: Now, are'nt you glad you had insurance! :yeah: Glad you enjoyed the ribbing! :wink: Gary

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:45 pm
by Glen
I am glad I had insurance. I can't remember a time when I haven't. And once you realize nobody is hurt & that it's just a truck why not laugh at it right?? :wink:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:35 pm
by the_right_reverend
they just don't make trucks like they used to

I hit 3 at one time in a 1982 f250 crewcab once not a dent.... but this is the coastal carolinas so they are about the size of a LARGE dog

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:11 pm
by doobie
glen , glad to hear you and the wife are ok . now i would venture to say that maybe you ought to look into driving a kenworth or something on that order . the kenworths kinetic energy and ballistic coeficent are much higher :wtg:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:41 am
by giterdone
Glen glad to hear you and the wife are okay. I think you need a heavier projectile with more sectional density for deeper penetration and knockdown DRT power. :spin:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:25 am
by Hotshot
You might also consider a better set of sights so you can make a better hit on the next one in hope of a one shot kill.
If you tried to hit one you probably couldn't.

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:16 pm
by Glen
If you tried to hit one you probably couldn't.

Ohhh!! Now it's personal eh????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the fun guys. :wink: I really don't want to hit another one with a vehicle tho. I've hit 3 already & had another one run into the side of my car. Thank the Good Lord I was driving real American steel that night!! A 78 Ford Fiesta baby!! :hail: :hail:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:00 am
by giterdone
My mother-in law the "Tree Hugger" has killed more deer with her car than I have hunting in my life time. :roll:

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:26 pm
by Glen
:lol: :lol: @ ^^^^!!

Re: The one that got away.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:27 am
by Jim White
I remember a couple of instances where I almost hit a Elk and a Horse, I've definitely counted my blessings because hitting wither of those in a car is probably not very good odds.

Anyone out there ever tried or heard of “deer whistles”? If so, how have they worked out?
