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My first paper punching at 500 yards.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:53 pm
by surfclod
I got out this past saturday to try some longer shots to see how the rifle would perform at extended distances. The range I normally shoot at for load developement and such is limited to 200 meters but I really wanted to get some experience reaching further out there so a buddy and I headed out to the ranchland that I spend my summer weekends at thinning the ground squirrel population.

Since using up all the loaded rounds developed for my previous barrel I have spent some time on a new load. Fortunately this barrel also loves the 39 Grain SBK and I was surprised to see how noticeably the groups shrank as I loaded the bullet further and further out. I settled on 2.45" OAL which doesn't leave much to be held by the case neck but the results speak for themselves when 5 shots average in the .3"s and .4"s (Its a measure of how much I have progressed when I am disappointed with any group over 1/2 MOA).

Here is one of my targets shot at 100 meters

Anyways I knew I was good for shots out to 200 meters but was not sure how it performed beyond that so had to give it a try.

I used my favorite iPhone app to get on paper at 500 yards. iSnipe is a super cool app that I definitely recommend to anyone who has an iPhone, if nothing else it is just fun to compare various cartridge ballistics while sitting on the toilet bowl.

We were set up and shooting as the sun came up at 8:30 and it was dead calm. With the known B.C. of the bullet and the velocity of my load iSnipe had me on target with my fouling shot. The next 3 were in 3" low and right on the 6" disk so I adjusted 2 clicks left and one up and fired the next 3 shots. Those ended up inside of 3-3/8" but a little to much to the left, (I had forgotten that at 500 yards 1/4 MOA is about 1-3/8") so I went one back and switched places with my buddy who was behind a brush pile near the target calling the shots via radio. There was a forcast for strong winds by noon and wanted to give him a chance before that happened.

He was using a 6mm Rem and got dialed in but by 10:30 we had 70 km/h winds and had to call it a day. It was a real bummer because I only fired 7 rounds that day and I knew that there was some real potential but wanted a 5 shot group to confirm it. I noticed some mirage on my 6th shot as the sun began heating up the hillside so I had real hopes to get a 5 shot group under 3" but not that day.

We had hoped that once we knew the wind currents in the little valley we were shooting in that we would be able to set up so we would be shooting into the wind but it was just to strong (it was ruining shooting by shaking my shooting table let alone causing wind drift :mad: )

So that was the results of my first paper punching beyond 200 meters. Definately very happy with what 7 rounds told me about my set up and can hardly wait to get out and do some more long range paper punching.

I really think Skippy will be in trouble this coming spring. :lol:

Re: My first paper punching at 500 yards.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:00 pm
by acloco
Excellent shooting! Congrats!!

Re: My first paper punching at 500 yards.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:15 pm
by OldTurtle
That's a good group for 500... :D