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How was everybodies day??

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:03 pm
by Glen
Mine went real good. We worked close to home here. We even seen a couple jets fly over that were landing up the road from us about 25 miles away at the Akron/Canton Airport. When I seen the 1st one go by I got that saddened feeling. I knew what day it was & I always have feelings toward the sumbitches that did it but apparently it took seeing that 1st passenger jet go by to make the realization of the day set in completely.

I'll explain things now.

September 11, 2001

We had a decent fog along the river here. The air was cool. Not chilly. Just cool enough that with the fog all I could think about was squirrel season. It was a regular day at work. Everybody was present & accounted for & it was going to be an easy day. All we had to do was tear off shingles & put em back on & we were done for the weekend. The homeowners, older folks, were setting out in lawn chairs with blankets wrapped around them watching us. As the morning played out conversation was normal goofy stuff as usual. All of a sudden we could hear the roar of a jet engine somewhere above us. We all stopped & looked up just in time to see it fly over. It was so low we could read the numbers on the underside of the wings!! After exchanging a few "WOW!! Did you see that??!!" we went back to work. The whole time the homeowners were watching us they had a small radio setting beside them. The Lady went in the house 1st. She came back out a few minutes later & got her husband. He came back out a few minutes later & told us a plane had just hit one of the Towers. A couple minutes later his Wife came back out & said a 2nd plane hit the other Tower. Throughout the day they kept us informed. We were greatful for their passing things along to us. By the time we were done it was speculated as a terrorist attack.

The plane that flew overhead that morning crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. :cry:

Re: How was everybodies day??

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:08 pm
by otter
It's been a tough day for me, Glen. Has been every year about this time since 2001. I get madder every year. Don't think the sick feeling will ever go away.

Re: How was everybodies day??

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:45 am
by cracker
It hit me like a brick when I had to wright the date down for the first time yesterday.
9/11 will be remembered and NEVER FORGOTTEN in my heart

Re: How was everybodies day??

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:55 am
by Rick in Oregon
I spent the day in surgery. Before going in and after coming out though, I had many thoughts about NOT being bummed out, considering that almost 3,000 fellow Americans died on that day eight years ago.

The History Channel had a very good special on the event....and as I can't get out right now with a rifle, I spent the day coming out of anathesia reliving the tragic event and watching the special.

(No big deal on the surgery...had an incisional hernia repaired from all the crap I went through last year......I'm good to go again. :D )

We will never forget!

Re: How was everybodies day??

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:40 pm
by Captqc
9/11, still breaks my heart :cry: , I haven't brought myself to watch movies like Flight 93 yet as I know the effect it would have on me :mad: . Rick, glad to hear you got patched up okay. Your pal, Gary

Re: How was everybodies day??

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:06 am
by Glen
Glad things went very well for you Rick!! :wink: