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.223 vs. 22-250

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:19 pm
by patrickhoma
Which round would have a better performance at the range a .223 or a 22-250. If fired from the same style gun same scopes at 100 yards. Which caliber do any of you guys think is better from you experiences. Which caliber will have tighter groups.

Re: .223 vs. 22-250

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:10 pm
by Inrut24/7
I would go with a 223 if you are shooting closer ranges 100-300 yards or so,also less powder and less recoil than a 22-250. Is far as accuracy that just all depends on the gun. I never owned a 22-250 so i cant say a 223 is more accurate, but In my opinion a 223 is one of the easiest rounds to find accurate loads for.

Re: .223 vs. 22-250

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 4:03 pm
by glenn asher
I've owned several Savage rifles in both chamberings. In those particular cases, with those particular rifles, the .22/250s seemed to shoot better, but it's impossible to say that the either chambering is any better, as the next two rifles might show the opposite traits. ;)
FWIW, I've had less trouble getting the .22/250s to shoot well than the .223s, not that the .223s were bad, it's just that those rifles were so good. Maybe it was just my superior loading techniques, or something :lol: :lol: but I do seriously like the .22/250s.......

Before anyone gets their knickers in knots, though, I suspect it's more to do with individual rifles than anything else.

Re: .223 vs. 22-250

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 8:40 pm
by Sagebrush Burns
I shoot them both and accuracy is essentially a toss-up (at least in my guns). The 22-250 is flatter shooting (about 300 fps faster with a slightly heavier bullet) but costs more to load and heats up a barrel faster. Either is a fine choice for varmint hunting in my book.

Re: .223 vs. 22-250

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:15 pm
by Doc One Shot
I have both as well, and like my .223 better. Less recoil. My Savage .223 will shoot one ragged hole 5 shot groups. I just got back from SD shooting p dogs, and got some at 500 yards, a few a 400. It's a great gun and a bunch at 2-300.