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Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:52 pm
by Racr350
So I have a research paper due tomarrow morning and the topic i chose is if students at colleges should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campuses. Im sure you can guess my side of the arguement. But what do you guys think about it and if you wanna give me some last minute hard hitting info thatd be great. :D Just thought I'd see what my fellow gun owners thought. Thanks a lot guys!

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:09 pm
by Hotshot
If 20 year old kids can carry guns in Iraq and Afganistan to protect our freedom, then they should be allowed to carry on campus to protect their own lives.

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:10 pm
by Racr350
NICE! Do you mind if I use that? I'll quote you :D

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:44 pm
by Jim White
1. Go to this link and please read. If it won't open do a Google search for: On Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs. For those who haven't read it I believe will find it quite interesting. ... pdogs.html

2. Point out that the recent gun violence clearly shows (time, and time again) gun free zones are-not safe. Tell the non-believers to; take that patch from their blind eyes and use it to cover their bleeding hearts" (feel free to quote that). :wall:

3. To make a good argument you should also know (and point out) that marksmanship is a perishable skill (use it or loose it). I would encourage everyone to attend a good course for using handguns (or other weapons for self defense). I did two years ago (5 days IIRC). It sure was fun and it helped me and I've done my share of cap busting thru the years. NOTE: This is where I really fell for Glock’s as a personal defense weapon.

4. You can also point out that so-called police protection to private citizens is non-existent. Consistently, for a long time, the SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled our protection is OUR responsibility, not the state's (aka Government).

5. If the article is about gun control, in addition to the above, it was ruled last year that firearm ownership was a pre-existing right. The US Constitution I've read hasn't removed that right, and neither has the governments own sacred cow in the US Constitution, the so-called commerce clause, IMO.


Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:20 pm
by Racr350
Jim thank you so much! That quote went right in there next to your name. :D You guys are helping in ways no magazine article ever could. Again thank you and hopefully this paper will get a solid "A" with this "real world" info. :D

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:08 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Racer: Also be aware of the fact that in all the recent shooting rampages, IF only one law abiding citizen with a CWP had been there armed, it is highly probable that the shooter would have been shot early in the event, thereby saving many lives in the process.

One incident comes to mind that happened some years ago in Kileen, Texas at Luby's Resturant. A lady that had her CWP left her handgun in her truck because of a sign at the door that read "no concealed weapons". A deranged guy ran his pickup through the window of the resturant, got out and started executing people with his 9mm as they tried to hide under tables. The lady saw numerous people summarily executed, and knew right then that she could have shot the assailant many times while his back was to her, BUT her .38 Smith was dutifully locked in her truck because of the resturants policy towards guns. Gun free zone indeed: it cost about 15 people their lives that day.

If she had carried her revolver in her purse as she normally did, the guy would have not been able to commit the murders, and she would have saved an unknown number of lives. Think of all the recent incidents that would have had different endings IF a CWP holding citizen had been there with his/her gun. Real food for thought, and good luck with the paper.

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:18 pm
by Bayou City Boy
The lady..... Susan Gratia-Hupp... She lost both parents that day.

Here's a link to a little bit of information about the Lady in Killeen, Texas from this forum earlier this year..

The Luby's Cafeteria is still open and there are at least two waitresses still working there who were there at the time and experienced that day first hand.

The cafeteria now has 6" steel posts embedded about 5 feet apart in front of the cafeteria so no one else will ever drive a vehicle through a front window like the guy involved in the shootings did that day...

The testimony she presented in the Congressional hearing at the ink below was given before the State of Texas passed one of the first Concealed Carry Laws in the US. Susan was an outspoken voice for the legislation and was a significant force in getting Concealed Carry passed in Texas, in 1995 IIRC, and signed into law by then Governor George Bush.

This year there is a piece of legislation currently in the Texas Senate which is expected to pass. It will allow every citizen of Texas to LEGALLY carry a weapon in their vehicle without a concealed carry permit just like you can possess one in your home. In essence your vehicle will be considered an extension of your home for self protection purposes. ... 329#p46329


Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:11 pm
by Glen

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:53 pm
by Bayou City Boy

The Congressional testimony from Susan which I mentioned with the link I provided above...


Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:32 pm
by Jim White
Just look at those smirking SOB's Charlie Skummer and one of Illinois's finest, Mel (the child predator/molester) Reynolds out of Illinois's 2nd Congressional District (aka Chicago). What the video didn't show was how callous the treated her after she was through speaking. Slick Willy commuted his sentence in the late 90's.

I remember watching this live at the time (1994) and she nailed their @$$es and they didn't like it.


Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:52 pm
by Rat Force One
racr350, check out the link below. Sorry that it is a little late for your report however, very relavent. This is also a current event here in Oregun that our sorry excuse for media won't cover. It is about a student at Western Oregon University that was arrested for his concealed weapon "in a public building." If the link doesn't come through check out the Oregon Firearms Federation's website.

Dan ... topic=4606

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:21 pm
by bullfrog
Make sure and let us know how your report went (grade). Lot's of teachers out there that would be very negatively biased on this subject. Hope you get a fair assessment.

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:58 pm
by Racr350
bullfrog wrote:Make sure and let us know how your report went (grade). Lot's of teachers out there that would be very negatively biased on this subject. Hope you get a fair assessment.
Well my teacher is just as an avid shooter as I am and he actually suggested the subject to me. So hopefully i do better because of that ;) But again..thanks everyone. My teacher actually extended the due date until tomarrow so I started adding everything you guys have given me. Rick, thats an amazing story! And i had to put that in there...Thanks everybody! Im sure I'll do great with all your guys help :D

Re: Concealed Carry on Campuses

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:23 am
by sniper model 12
I've been teaching at a 2 year university in southern Ohio for 7 years. In that time, I have taken classes on field trips out to state parks and preserves (Env. Science, Physical Geology) where poachers and other shady people were encountered on the trail. Under college protocol, I am not permitted to carry a CCW even though I have taken multiple classes and courses on the CCW issue. I would hate to see any of my students taken hostage while on a research excursion because I was not allowed to carry. :soap:

I recently watched a series of episodes of 20/20 and 60 minutes. ... 3415.shtml

In two of the 20/20 episodes they take college students and give them a short course in CCW. Then the students are placed in a classroom atmosphere with other students and an attacker enters the room. All of the students fail. Two of the students with CCW's hit the assailant but not before taking damage themselves. Needless to say the show indicated that CCW is not what it's cracked up to be. Especially when the students were wearing extra long super baggy t-shirts that would hinder the draw from a trained professional in such a situation.

These were broadcast NATIONWIDE ! :mad: Howmany anit-gun lobbyists took this info for their purpose and howmany of the general public saw these shows and said "Da** guns, we need to get rid of them!" Very little was said about the "assult weapons".

I carry my XD 45 holster on my belt while at the college. We have been having students getting into fights recently, and maybe the one student who is deciding whether or not to start something sees that I have a CCW s o m e w h e r e they may rethink things. Then again they may think "He's unarmed". . . :rant: