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Weird Accident......

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:46 pm
by dannybracy
So today was just one of those days, you all know what I am talking about......, where everything I did was messed up, wrong, difficult, frustrating, and disgusting. For an example of one of them, I messed up on my random drug test for work and didn't give them enough I had to chug water for over an hour until I had to go again.......ya just one of those days where NOTHING went right.

So when I got home from it all, my fiance and I just wanted to take P-nutty for a walk and let him run around. He got on a bird trail and was circling a brush pile ahead of me, then I knew something was wrong. He came around from the backside of it, at a full run, looking directly at me.......

then I saw the blood. He was holding one eye shut and his whole muzzle was covered in blood. He was coughing blood, he was sneezing blood, blood was pouring out of his nose. So I ran back to the house with him beside me. He coughed and hacked the entire way back. I quick got some water and a towel and started to try to wipe away all the blood and froth all over his muzzle. The bleeding was slowing down and it looked like most of the blood was coming from his nose. So I got it quick cleaned out and could see the end of a stick logged inside his nasal cavity.

My fiance called the vet to tell her we were bringing him in while I was cleaning him up. So after about 15 mins of digging she got the stick and started pulling and pulling, and finally ended up retrieving about a 5" stick from his nose. P-nut let out a sigh and wiggled his nose a bit, and let that shot full of sedative kick in.

Luckily she said he will be fine. Antibiotics and lots of treats n t.l.c. for him in and his swollen nose for the next few days........

I knew it was going to be one of those days this morning when I got up.....but at least I think my nerves finally started to calm down.

Anyone else had a bad day!!?? -Dan

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:20 am
by acloco
Ugh....that was a heck of a day.

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:41 am
by dannybracy
Yes it was....... But today is going better. Windy as heck...but I think we mite go out and try blasting some mean clay pigeons!

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:03 pm
by acloco
Watch out for those pigeons, sometimes they bite or crap on ya!

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:37 pm
by WaltherP99
WOW! Sorry to hear about the rough day and I hope all goes well with the pup!

Think of it this can only get better!

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:27 am
by stevecrea
I was very relieved that it worked out OK with your furry friend.

One of mine has a bad habit of tangling with raccoons, porcupines, skunks, rockchucks, and badgers. She is an Australian cattle dog mix, and believes that she is an alpha dog. Now, she has learned to stay away from skunks and porcupines, but still loves to haggle with badgers, especially.

One of the last episodes involved a raccoon in a pond. She and the raccoon were both swimming and scrapping. They finally separated, and my dog's nose bled all night. But, she was OK. I have had to save a number of badgers from her over the years. I am afraid she would fight them to the death if I would let her.

Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:42 am
by dannybracy
Yikes Steve! My best friend had an Austrailian shepard when we were growing up. Very nice dog!

And yes....about 2 months ago P-nut found out what a skunk was. He was snowplowing w/ his front legs and face thru the snow pushing with his rears trying to get the smell off him right after it happened! Funny stuff.

Thanks for the words. He is doing much better. The easter bunny brought him a new think rubber squeeky ball today, so we'll see how long that thing lasts him!

Acloco, thanks for the advice. None attacked thank goodness. P-nut was back to his old self. He very gently brings back all the unbroken clays that ALL MY FRIENDS MISS........b/c of course I NEVER miss! HA HA :eek:


Re: Weird Accident......

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:34 pm
by stevecrea
My other dog, which is a female Australian shepherd and border collie mix, was romping while I was flyfishing several years ago. I heard her yelp, and when I found her, she had laid her chest open with something sharp that was probably hidden in the brush or grass. Fortunately, a number of stitches fixed her up.

The Australian cattle dog (also known as Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler), chased a covey of quail and did not see a nylon rope holding a tree up and ripped her hide on her underbelly. That was quite a few stitches as well, but did not open her belly up fortunately.

These furry friends are a handful sometimes.