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The British want their guns back

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:50 pm
by Melvin Eades
The Brits sat back years ago and let their government take away their handguns. Now listen to what they have to say.

America needs to wake up to what's in store if we let our government take away our rights. ... ture=email

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:54 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Very interesting to say the least. Once they're gone, they're GONE FOR GOOD!

Let's not let this happen here! Get involved! NOW!

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:36 pm
by greystone
Obama has the mindset of "Punish the masses for the actions of a few". Why not go after the root cause of the violence that we face in America today? Tighten up our borders and keep some of the rif raf out. Address the graphic violence that we are exposed to every day in television, movies, and video games. But then they would have to tackle the freedom of speech thing and there isn't a politician out there that has the guts to do that. We absolutely have idiots for politicians. Dave

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:33 am
by kenbrofox
Hi Melvin, Your comment is a bit unfair. We did not just sit back, but there was no time to get organized because our masters had a knee jerk reaction to a very tragic event. As they rightly say, the criminal element are not affected by firearms legislation. regards KB.

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:21 am
by Melvin Eades

No offense intended, I should have used different words but I was going on what I have heard instead of facts. For that I apologize.

How accurate is the video and how are the people reacting to the governments actions?

Could you tell us more so we can understand better what the people are going through?

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:00 am
by kenbrofox
Hi Melvin, no offence taken and no appology needed. I can't comment on the i hav'nt seen it. After the incident the government moved very swiftly and the law was changed to ban hand guns. its so bad i believe even our olympic pistol shooters have to leave the country to practice, i would have thought some compromise could be reached in their case even if it ment they had to store their weapons at a secure range. Will we ever get the priviledge back? who knows! I will try to get some more info. together on any efforts/progess that is being made and post it when i do. Even if the cause of the law change had'nt happened people where still working towards dissarming the legitimate firearms owners. Regards KB. :mad: :(

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:26 pm
by LeeC
Will you ever get the "priviledge" back? Hmmmm. I think many of us consider it a "Right" that we don't want taken away. It's a lousy deal for our friends in British Isles, Australia and Canada. I think it would make a bunch of us criminals if it happened here.

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:16 am
by kenbrofox
LeeC, unfortunatley we don't have a second amendment over here. I'd say you are priviledged to have the right :D I also have a license to fly autogyros and i'm told, that is also a priviledge, seems like nothings a right over here. :!: Regards KB.

Re: The British want their guns back

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:02 am
by iKonic Status
Very interesting to say the least. Once they're gone, they're GONE FOR GOOD! - very true RIO. As kenbrofox said in one of his posts, we (here in the UK) didn't mobilise in time to put forward a decent enough case for not banning guns. We did have a series of very tragic events that pushed the Government of the day to react instantly.
Rather than sitting down and looking at addressing the concerns of voters, anti-gun groups and pro-gun groups, weighing up the evidence and pros/cons of banning semi-automatic rifles and handguns, the British Government did what it has always done (irrespective of whether they are a Labour or Conservative Government) and reacted without thinking!

As Kenbrofox so eloquently put it, "our masters had a knee jerk reaction to a very tragic event" and he's quite right.

The UK sees quite a large problem with Firearm related crime but 99.9% of this crime is due to gangs having shootouts with illegal Handguns smuggled in from Eastern Europe. Very few cases relate to Lawful gun ownership, other than those that make the news headlines which led to the us having our shooting RIGHTS damaged forever!

What is crazy, is that the Handgun/Auto-rifle ban did NOT extend to Northern Ireland (they are still allowed to purchase/own Handguns), Isle of Man and the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey). What a load of of B******s I say! Some parts of the British Isles were given a choice as to whether they wanted to have a ban enforced and ALL THOSE GIVEN THE CHOICE SAID NO! Talk about double standards :wall:

None of these British territories have experienced a rise or fall in reported gun crime, it's just remained the same...really rather low! However, on the UK mainland (England, Wales, Scotland) gun crime is UP....gang culture with those illegal Handguns from Eastern Europe i was going on about earlier.

Sorry for my passionate and rambling post but I does really p*** me right off to be baring the brunt of what our Government did.

Don't give up your guns. Hassle your local MP, Senator, Councillor until they get the message that you don't support banning firearms!