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Reading target group characteristics.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:15 pm
by Clover_Shooter
In a different forum post-
Reloading the 204- Post subject: where to go from here.
I did want to hijack that thread!
Rich V - said-
both vertical and horizontal stringing with fliers. Some fliers may be from gusting winds, bedding, loose scope, ect. Vertical strings could be from load variances, or just from breaking your wrist, pushing forward or droping your head when firing. Horizontal strings can be caused from as little as too much or too little trigger finger and thumb pressure.
I had not heard of some, such as- breaking your wrist or too little trigger finger and thumb pressure.

So lets talk about group reading, reasoning and results. Maybe see some targets examples!

Is group reading best done at 100 yards?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:01 pm
by Lenard
I would say that the most important part of shooting off a bench is making sure everything is done the same each time. That includes how tight one grips the gun and changing position on the stock with the hand. The second thing is that the face should be locked into the same place on the stock each time. In other words, we need to do things the same as they would be done in a mechanical rest. Changing the angle of how we grip a stock will make a change in the poi.

A gun book that I have is The Accurate Rifle, by Warren Page where he explains a number things, including how to diagnose problems with the bedding of a rifle. Not in current publication, but might be found on Amazon.


Re: Group reading.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:04 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Two other excellent sources are the books "The Ultimate Varmint Rifle" by Boyd Mace, and "Extreme Rifle Accuracy" by Glenn Newick, both available from Precision Shooting.

As you said Lenard, consistency is the name of the game when it comes to rifle shooting, especially from the bench.

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:04 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
I read it by myself, :chin: might be better with a group :lol: . This book is a very good read!!

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:23 pm
by xr10065669
Hawkeye Joe,

Is the picture you posted a magazine or book? I thought it was a magazine, but wasnt sure. I checked on the precison shooting website, but couldnt find the book. I am very interested in getting a copy!


Re: Group reading.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:33 pm
by Rick in Oregon
It's a book, and I got the name incorrect when I posted from the hospital....going from memory on the title; CRS sets in..... Sorry for any confusion. You may have to call Dave Brennen at PS to see if there's any copies left in his stash.

I think the other book by Boyd Mace (The Accurate Varmint Rifle) may be out of print, but it's an excellent book written by a real varmint and varmint rifle enthusiast, and is full of excellent material. It covers about everything asked about here on the forum, as does Glenn's book that Mike pictured.

For up to date information, the new Sinclair Book of Precision Shooting and Handloading may now be available. I've got the 10th edition, and it's a gold mine of info for anyone interested in precision shooting and handloading. A call to Sinclairs should get you going, and if it's not ready yet, bug them and let them know there's LOTS of guys waiting on it!

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:42 pm
by xr10065669
Thanks for that fast reply! I will get to looking to see if I can get a copy of that. i am very interesting in gaining knowledge in that area. I am new to reloading (just started this past summer) and now I want to learn more!

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:50 pm
by xr10065669
I checked Sinclair and they didnt have the new version on there. I found the same book you have, the 10th edition on Amazon, but the book is not currently avaliable. Ill keep searching!

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:19 am
by Hawkeye Joe
You had me thinking Glenn Newick had another book.
It's a soft cover book about 3/4 of an inch thick. If you don't have any luck finding one let me know.

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:10 am
by willyp19
You can buy The Ultimate in Rifle Accuracy on Amazon for around 2.50 to 2.75...

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 11:01 am
by Clover_Shooter
Thanks for the input on the books. I have never bought on book online but feel I need a couple of them.

Over the summer I installed a Jewel Target Trigger. This improved overall grouping. It also made the other culprits for inconstant shooting apparent. For me breathing, shoulder pressure and grip.

From looking at before and after trigger replacement groups, I need to go back and re-evaluate some loads.

In some other readings I do not understand how seating depth can cause horizontal stringing.
"If you have horizontal stringing, decrease the seating depth. If you have vertical stringing increase your seating depth."Was this to say seating depth won't cause vertical stringing! Don't remember where I read that.
Also how can a firing pin can cause vertical stringing!

Thanks, Dave

Re: Group reading.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:02 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Here's the other book mentioned above, "The Accurate Varmint Rifle". Excellent reading for anyone really interested in picking off small targets at extended ranges, full of good information. As mentioned, it may be out of print, but I'm sure it's available if you really looked around for it. The book was published in 1991.


As you can see, good stuff for guys like us:


I have not seen Boyd Mace write for some years now, but he sure knew what he was talking about; he really is "one of us". I highly recommend this book, informative and a good all-around good read. That's his young son on the cover with a nice Martini single shot varmint rifle Boyd built for squirrels, rock chucks and prairie dogs.

Re: Reading target group characteristics.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:23 pm
by happy shooter
Both books are on I used ( to find them. $2.53 for The ultimate in rifle accuracy, $12.60 for The accurate varmint rifle

Re: Reading target group characteristics.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:06 pm
by Clover_Shooter
I received my copy of "The Ultimate in Rifle Accuracy " today. I paid $.73 for the book plus $3.99 shipping and it's in new condition.
Thanks for your all's advice, it looks like a good read.