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Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:01 am
by 204Shooter
This is a bill that is currently in the house. This would make it mandatory for every gun owner to register all his firearms or spend up to two years in jail! Read it and write your congressman or we will all pay the consequences! ... ih.txt.pdf


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:26 am
by Gube
204Shooter wrote:This is a bill that is currently in the house. This would make it mandatory for every gun owner to register all his firearms or spend up to two years in jail! Read it and write your congressman or we will all pay the consequences! ... ih.txt.pdf
I know how you feel. We now have to register all of our firearms out here in Canada. It has cost our taxpayers "BILLIONS" of dollars and still climbing, with lots of problems and "red tape". Strange how they force rural "farmer Joe" to register his hunting rifle, and I guarantee that NO CRIMINAL will register his gun. Funny, when the Liberals first came forward with it and told us it would only cost a couple of mill. Just another typical lie from the bleeding hearts liberal camp. :mad: :wall:


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:34 am
by BabaOriley
"can anyone tell me anything what has been put into place so a senseless murder of one child by another won't ever happen again?" - Yeah, I say put alot of guns in place and be prepared to kill anyone that brandishes one around your kids.

What liberals can't understand is that the answer isn't more laws, it's a bit less laws, with better enforcement once a crime has been committed. You know, we built Yucca Mountain to house nuclear waste. What if gun wielding criminals understood that if you're the shooter, you're going to a hole in the ground for the rest of your life, with no sun, no TV, no weights, and NO COMMUNICATIONS with the outside world. You'll be sent to waste away in a living heck. If they make it to 90 years old, good for them, but they don't have to be comfortable. They think gangs are a good way of life? Imagine the gangs that would form in a place like that?

Blaire Holt's murderer was Michael “Mario” Pace, a 16 year old. A 15 year old gave him the gun, knowing what he was going to use it for. Is there a parent in this that can be held responsible for their gun getting into the hands of their impulsive youth? Should there be special exceptions made to sentencing guidelines for minors? Or, would inner city minors then become the tools inner city gangs use to commit murder, knowing the minors can't be punished as severely? What if the bus driver would have been carrying? Wouldn't you feel better about your kid's safety on the bus if every driver was packing? It's unfortunate that may be needed, but it's the world we live in. Not my world, but in big cities. CHANGEing it has to start somewhere.

I think this should be used as a prime example of how Illinois gun laws, some of the most strict in the country, have done nothing to stop criminals from finding guns to use for murder. A 15 year old can get one. As far as registering every semi-auto and pistol, I think that kind of talk should be treated the same as talk of taking them away. It's just another step towards a pure socialist society, and I don't wanna live there. I also think many would be willing to die to keep it from going there.

This has gotten long. Why is the issue so hard to understand for some? Why do they have to be so "nice", even to scum murderers?


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:39 am
by BillC
Congressman written as follows:

Congressman Larsen.

I have just finished reading H.R. 45 and urge you to rigorously oppose this bill.

The honest and law abiding citizens among your constituents would of course register their firearms should this bill become law. I am one of those people.

However, the criminal element of society would most certainly not register their firearms, as by definition, criminals do not respect the rule of law.

This bill would place an undue burden on honest gun owners, as well as creating yet another 'money pit' with no hope of benefit to the country. A simple oversight or two numbers transposed while recording a serial number would place the honest man or woman in a position of having committed a felony while making a good faith effort to comply with the law.
Many firearms manufactured in the first half of the 20th century were not marked with a unique serial number, as the law did not require same. This alone demonstrates the fallacy of such legislation.
PLEASE give this bill serious, objective consideration and act as your consience dictates.

Sincerely, Bill Childers


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:53 am
by BabaOriley
BillC wrote:the criminal element of society would most certainly not register their firearms
I forgot to mention that as one of the basis for my whole reply. They can make all the laws they want, but until you allow people to defend themselves, and enforce the laws you have, the criminals have no reason to stop preying on innocent citizens.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:04 am
by Glen
:chin: I'm looking at 24 months.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:06 am
by Bergcrane2
I'm spreading it everywhere I can think of.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:17 pm
by Keith in Ga
I hate to think it, but I don't have any doubts this bill will pass. There aren't enough Republicans to counter the bill, and I doubt seriously if any Democrats are going to oppose Obama. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to call and write my Congressmen, but I am not optimistic. Sure hope I'm wrong!


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:08 pm
by jo191145
Heres what I got out of it.

Any handguns or semi autos with a detachable mag.

You'll not just need to register them. You'll need to apply for and aquire a "Firearms License"
From what I saw this would be akin to getting a CCW. Said license would not give you the right to carry a handgun but the same hoops would need to be jumped through.

Training course
Background checks
Approval of law enforcement etc.
Fees? $25.00 a year at this time.

Theres a whole bunch of other scary stuff in there. The attorney General seems to have been given free reign for one.

I really despise retroactive legislation such as this. I'm sure theres a slew of gunowners in this country with older firearms in thier possesion that fall into this category. Many of those people will unknowingly become criminals because they simply are unaware of the facts. Lots of older folks might have a handgun or military relic stored in thier home and never realize the government wants them registered and licensed.

The obomanation of this country has begun. Hang on folks its gonna be a very bumpy ride.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:00 pm
by Rick in Oregon
In regard to Nobama's intended war on gun owners, remember one of his prime directives is to dismantle the nations Right to Carry laws that are now on the books in over 40 states. Don't let any liberal tell you that would be a good idea either, as recent FBI records confirm that in every Right to Carry state, the crime rate has gone down significantly, specifically murder, rape, armed robbery, and in some cases, even burglary.

When writing your representatives, be sure to include this item, and also remind them that we're all watching how they vote in the Senate and Congress. Like all politicians, they want to get re-elected, and that comes up in only two years.

If you're not in the NRA, you should be, and now more than ever. Other than letter writing, the NRA is our only hope of retaining our guns.


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:33 pm
by Captqc
Darn Demoncrats :twisted: :mad: This stuff makes me so mad I could spit :oops: Gary


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:53 am
by MI_Fulldraw
I came across this video the other day and figured you guy would like to see it. ... r_embedded