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A Father's passing

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:44 pm
by Melvin Eades
Dave Zweiner, known on the board here as "dancindave" from Nebraska informed me today of the passing of his father last Thursday, the 15th. My family and I got to know Dave and his family several years ago when he invited us out to shoot some prairie dogs with him. Dave became a very good friend and as Glen Asher said "A guy to run the river with"

Please keep Dave and his family in your thoughts and prayers during this time.

Re: A Father's passing

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:08 pm
by acloco
Will do.

What part of Neb are they from?

Re: A Father's passing

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:19 am
by Glen
The prayer train is rolling in from Ohio!! :wink:

Re: A Father's passing

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:12 am
by Melvin Eades

Around the Spalding area.

Re: A Father's passing

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 5:01 pm
by WaltherP99
Prayers on the way!

Condolences to Dancindave.