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Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:20 am
by OldSchool
Hey Guys,

To all my friends on here that have been tracking me, I made it back from Iraq and had a very busy leave getting ready to move. Only got out a couple if times to do some calling with no takers. Had a couple dogs answer but I think weather was to lousy for them.
We managed to get movers and things all coordinated and flew out on the 5th of January. The plane out of San Francisco lost a wheel on takeoff and waited two hours to decide to turn around. Finally after a seven hour delay we got back into the air and got to Germany. I am here in the hotel in Schweinfurt and assigned to 1-91 CAV now, we move into our apartment on Monday.

I did do a little shooting while on leave. My 204 VLP was timed and trued by SSS and I had a comp recoil lug and a tactical bolt handle put on. Man does it shoot!!!!!!! Even my 11 year old son shot a .23 inch 3-shot group with it, and that was from prone in the snow! He also blasted some pop cans full of water with it then informed me he had changed his mind on wanting to bow hunt first.

Well everyone, wish me luck, and keep knockin' down them varmints while I am away. I will try to send some pictures from here and Afghanistan.

Later, Oldschool

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:52 am
by Hawkeye Joe
Good luck in Germany. I had some friends over there,one for Tank training and the other was a civilian who worked there for 10+ years. Both enjoyed their stay. One day I hope to see the sights of Germany and the surrounding area. Send us some pics from the Eagles Nest. Amsterdam is just around the corner too....Sharp Shooter Supply sure does a nice job on them actions. He did the same to the action on my 6.5/284 F-class . SMOOOOOTH AS SILK. He'll be getting my LRPV when it comes time to change the barrel. True,time and a new lug. Good luck, be safe and thanks for doin us proud!

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:31 am
by Ray P
OldSchool............Thanks for keeping us up to date. Good luck on your move and watch your rear. God watch over you and your family.
Glade to here you customized 204 is doing what "IT" should do, little holes and little groups.
Later and be safe.
Ray P

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:25 am
by Medic52
Be safe, say hello to RB in Stuggart if you get close...

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:20 am
by Rick in Oregon
Old School: Glad to hear you made it to der Fatherland okay. I used to do alot of business in Germany, and plan to take wifey there on a holiday and cruise all the cool little villages and towns there again. I found some very cool Puma knives while there, also some very nice Walther PP's and PPK's. The import hassle to get them back here is not really all that bad.

The best of fortune in The Sand Pit, watch your six, be alert (like I needed to tell YOU that), and come home safe. I promise again to leave you some dogs out in "our spot". ;)

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:31 pm
by Captqc
Oldschool, stay safe out there! Keep us posted as best you can when you get to the sand box. Gary

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:20 am
by OldSchool
Thanks Guys,
Hope to get out and do some traveling when the weather warms up. It has been in the teens lately. Getting settled has been a real pain but will be over soon I hope.

Hey Rick, did you ever try calling from that rock pile way out past where the road drops over that long cliff of lava rock? Had dogs come in every time out there.

I will get some pics soon. When the household goods get here my wifes fancy camera will be getting a work out.
I will hopefully get a chance to tour the H&K factory while I am here and maybe pick up a 416.

Take Care Everyone!


Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:20 am
by Rick in Oregon
Old School: Nope, have not been out that way for some time now. Gas prices were the reason at first, but now they're down to a more reasonable level. But for the last 8 months, I've been pretty much housebound due to my life-threatening event from last June. My belly looks like a map of a railroad switch yard in a large city now, with over 60 stiches....not fun in the least.

Now that gas has come down again, once I heal up from my next/last surgery later this month, I'll be out there and also in the rat killing fields just as soon as I can lift (with Doc permission) a full .50cal can of loaded 204 ammo! Soooooon!

Glad to hear you landed okay in der Fatherland. Every time I went past the Porsche factory on the Autobaun in Stuttgart, I wanted to stop in and drool. Even the parking lot was impressive. Enjoy the HK tour, and be sure to keep your hands in your pockets. ;)

Gut Abent!

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:29 am
by Bergcrane2
Stay safe OS! We'll be looking for those pictures.

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 1:09 pm
by Silverfox
Old School--Stay safe and my prayers are with you.

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:25 am
by OldTurtle
If you are going to be there for a while, be sure to take the family into Amsterdam and take one of the lunch Gondola rides, it's about 3 hours and one of the best values for the money we found over there. The guides and food were excellent.

We're hoping to get back over to the Netherlands for their Tulip time this Spring, as we have a friend that lives just outside of Amsterdam and sends us pictures of it each year. It looks better than the Mardi Gras Parade, Rose Bowl Parade, and the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade all together.

Maybe you will get in one some of the indoor shooting competitions they have in some of the local beer halls, using those fancy 'mini' round rifles...I can't remember the formal name for them...but the are about 3-4mm rounds...with little or no powder,,,

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:24 pm
by OldSchool
Finally got a chance to post one. Weather is getting better so will be traveling more. take Care Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Image
This is Coburg Castle in Bavaria

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:32 pm
by Bergcrane2
Sweet! I love Bavaria! I got to stay in the Palace Hotel in Gstaad for a week. It was awesome!

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:33 pm
by OldSchool
Just so none of my friends on here get confused and think I am in paradise...... A: Soldiers are no longer allowed to bring firearms here. B: Buying firearms here is an expensive nightmare. C: The rabbits here are EVERYWHERE and 5 lbs. bigger than the biggest Jackrabbit you have ever seen.

Yes its heck, but they serve beer.

Re: Well we made it to Germany

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:40 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
OldSchool wrote:
Yes its heck, but they serve beer.

:lol: :lol: .... Good to hear from ya!!