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Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:15 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
I let Buddy out this morning as usual so he can check the perimeter. Most of the time he only stays out for about 10 minutes or so, just long enough to jog around the fence line and make sure no critters are near. Today, a half hour went by and no Buddy. Hmmm... I called and nothing. Now that's not like him especially at breakfast time. I then went out back and see him sitting in the snow, called him and nothing...Hmmmm. He then picks up the large rabbit and was trembling. He was SOOO proud and excited I thought he was gonna jump out of his skin. His first kill at just under a year and a half. I guess he didn't want to wait for me to feed him. Once I finally got it away from him I tossed it over the fence for the fox. I don't think he wants to share though. He's still outside looking at it through the fence. He's been trying for about a year now to get a hold of one and today he scored!! Looks like a broken back was the cause of death. He usually sneaks through the garage then rounds the corner at warp speed for the ambush. I'll have to put his picture up in my reloading room like any other proud papa would do.

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:40 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Congratulations Buddy! You be 'da Dog!

Mike: Now you can send me your 204 and let Buddy do all your hunting for you! :lol:

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:32 pm
by steve
nice pup you should be proud.

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:25 pm
by Captqc
It's a darn good dog that learns to feed himself! Now if you could train him to flush the toliet that would really be the dog to have! :lol: Gary

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:22 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Rick, My two Savage 204's are on the way.. Don't let me find them holding up your tomatoes this spring. I'm sure you'll find the scope on my LRPV worth recycling :P .

That night a rabbit was back at the bird feeder and Buddy chased him off three times in two hours. Got skunked all three times. Now that he's had a taste, he's after them BIGTIME :loco: . Last night he killed a short tail Shrew and smuggled it indoors :hmph: . It's a mole type critter. I guess the three generations of farm dog is coming out in him. Here's where it all began at 9 weeks old.

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:29 am
by Rick in Oregon
Mike: IF those 204's show up on the Brown Truck, I promise they'll not hold up my tomatoes. I'll start holding my breath though just in case..... ;) Buddy may be good, but I know he can't run at 4,000 fps!

It appears Buddy is now truly your buddy in all respects. If he's anything like my girls, you can't take a step backwards or to the side in the house for fear of tripping over them, they stay that close. I'm betting he has HIS own spot on your bed too, right? Great looking pup. My only wish would be that their little lives were three times longer, as they bring so much to OUR lives.

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:53 am
by Medic52
I have 7 dogs now, its finally enough, I have to sleep on the floor..

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:17 am
by Hawkeye Joe
I've been reduced to sleep on 3 square feet out of about 80. And still take the risk of getting pushed off :? :duh:

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:52 pm
by WaltherP99
Nice looking pup!

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:55 am
by Hawkeye Joe
He got another one this morning. He's quite the hunter :D

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:24 am
by Rick in Oregon
Mike: Good pic! Are you cutting up those bunnies and making Buddy some 'bunny stew' for all his efforts?

Do you think the Brown Truck will ever stop here with a long skinny box from New York? Buddy is doing his part ya know....... ;)

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:16 am
by 204Shooter
Good pictures. I love how he just sits back and poses for the camera! :D

Re: Buddy joins the ranks of manhood

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:33 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Rick ....The first bunny fed my pet fox. No sense shooting fox with fur being worthless this year. Today's got claimed by a guy at work. After the first kill, he put in dibbs on the next. Probably good eatin because their grain fed, or bird seed fed. Today's rabbit got smuggled in also. I leave the door ajar so he can push his way in without barking while I get ready for work.Today's prize got left in the middle of my living room. Didn't notice it for over 30 minutes. Better than my bed I guess. :eew:

204shooter... He's not posing, just playing possum. He's actually coiled ready to strike :lol: . He's on a mission every time he goes out now that he has that bunny taste in his mouth. Now I've had lots of dogs and NONE ever caught a rabbit. Let alone two in one week :hail: . He's no light weight either. Darn near 100 lbs. I gotta get this on tape next time. Still not sure how he does it. Now serving #3.