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Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:56 am
by Brucen
Hy I purchased a Ruger m77 Mk11 march 2008, and have nothing but trouble trying to have it repaired or chaned over as it fails to eject empty or loaded rounds, and I returned it to the gun shop and showed them the fault and they retuned it to the Ruger distribiter here in australia who replaced the extractor BUT damaged the face of the bolt while doing the repair this only took about 7 weeks I took it to the range and IT WAS the same, they have now had it in there possesion for longer than I now 23/12 08, it finaly returned today and guess what they had polished the bolt.
On test at the gun shop rather than going to the rang, every body was impreesed with the way it did not EJECT and so here I am with no gun and my holidays wasted again thank you RUGER if any one would like I can email a short video to them I think I have owned my last RUGER I am sure I can get better service
PS I am not new to guns I have had many rifels and shoot guns in my life time but never had this expirence before and am interested if any one else have had a problem with RUGER's
Yours Bruce
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Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:23 am
by kenbrofox
Hi Bruce, my last ruger bolt action was a 77 ultralight stainless synthetic with 20" barrel, it performed faultlessly and shot 3 shot groups consistently under 3/4" at 100 yards.Only mod. was a timney trigger. I think you must have a rogue ruger. regards, kenbro.

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:39 am
by Brucen
I, not complaing about the way it shoots average 1/2 at 100yds wright wieght to carry etc etc, its the runabout I am getting to sort the problem the bolt actualy rotats past the ejector blade and blind freddy could see it the just seem to think its your fault you bought the gun and the do not want to be repairing a manufactioning fault here in Australia seems no care and not responsilbe they have sold it to now its your problem and its 10 months I have been trying to have it sorted and i think they just put in a corner with a do not return for 2 or 3 months on it

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:12 am
by Ausiboy
Bruce, I have a Ruger KM77VT and am very happy with it. Souns like you have been unlucky.

I think it may be worth asking this question on one of our froums in Australia. Im sure somebody on AUST. HUNTING NET had the run around from Acacia (Aust. Importers of Ruger)

From what you have said so far, I would not be happy. 10 months is far too long to fix a problem you say is so obvious.
Maybe send an email or ring Acacia Imports and tell them you want this sorted ASAP. Refund or exchange please.

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 8:30 am
by Frank
Bruce, sorry to hear about your terrible results with your Ruger. That is extremely irritating and frustrating to say the least.

Another option is to write/type a letter to Ruger. NO E mail, as E mails get ingnored or put on the back burner... sometimes forever. Anyway, myself and others have gotten good results on other (including major) products by writing a (nice) letter.

Many folks do in fact like Ruger and have good results with them. I personally am not one of them, however, Ruger does have a large following.

Anyway, Hopefully this will be resolved soon for you... All The Best


Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:31 pm
by Brucen
I have spoken to Arcacia who as of a week ago stoped trading in Ruger, and say that its not there respnsibility as they were not the original supplier and it is for Ruger USA to sort seems all care no responsability, but they did say they would let Ruger know BIG DEAL.
But since I have started posting on the net it seem they are more talkative ? and the longer it goes on the more sales Ruger will lose as many like to read reports before they purchase these days, and as I said its not the gun its the after sales service that realy needs to be addresed by Ruger and have people theat are Qualified to service and maintain there products to the high standard they claim for there products not BACK YARD COWBOY"S

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:49 pm
by huntsman22
So, what is it? the extractor or the ejector?.....

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:08 pm
by Brucen
The ejector, when the bolt is rasied to remove the fired or unfired rounds, the slot for the ejector blade travels to far, from what I can see is the blade cannot rise to eject the round, therefor it hangs on the bolt face held by the extractor claw, which they changed the first time it whent back, but they marked the face of the bolt levering the extactor off but they denie responibility or theres a fault but they did try to polish it out
follow the link below to see or copy and past

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:26 pm
by cshooter
I have had fairly good luck with 4 of the 5 Rugers I owned, but one, a standard MK II in 204. I never could get that stupid thing to hit the same place everytime I shot it. All my other Rugers were fine. Never could figure out the problem, so I sold it. I have as many Savage rifles and they have all been good shooters and worked well mechanicly. I have never owned or seen a Ruger that shot as good as a Savage. On the two occations I had problems with a Savage, I sent them back to Savage and in about two weeks they came back tuned better than I bought them.. I have to say I'm sold on Savage. I don't think I'll ever need anymore guns, but if I do, I bet they'll have an indian cheif on them .

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:45 pm
by huntsman22
The ejector slot is nowhere near the extractor claw. The bolt face HAS to ride rearward in the correct position to align the ejector into the slot. The lugs hold it so....... Is the ejector not raising due to insufficient spring strength? Incorrect length ejector maybe? Can you try another bolt? Do not fire, due to potential headspace differences, just compare and check ejection function...

cs, glad you like injun heads, but what the heck does THAT have to do with his problem? I'm surprised that you didn't find a better shooter in that extremely large sampling of rugers.Thanks for all the help........

Re: Faulty RUGER

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:20 pm
by Brucen
The ejector blade does not match the slot for it, as the bolt rotates to far up to match the blade and the slot, when it is raised and moved to the rear to eject the round, if you rotat the bolt down and back up it it comes up, but that means you have to move the bolt forward each time and you start the next round moveing forward in the mag !! not good , poor maching in the factory and as you say a new bolt would need the head space checked, I think its to hard for them as Arcacia does not have a licenced gun smith I think they just found it easy to do nothing for 10 months hopeing I would go away, now they have lost Ruger as a product they realy are not interested and as late as today they told me I would have to take it up with RUGER USA not easy from Australia
follow the link to see what the problem is or copy and past into your browser