More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

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Rick in Oregon
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More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

I received this from an industry friend who wants to get the message out. We've really got a fight on our hands with this upcoming on:


Remember how the Obamanation said that he wasn't going to
take your guns?

Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no
problem with taking your ammo!

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana )
requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a data base of all
ammunition sales.

So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any
ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011.
(Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on
every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun!

This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama , Arizona,
California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington .

find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and
the specific legislation for each state, go to:
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by rpknaz »

I wonder if they were to put any kind of gun/ammo ban/restriction to the public for a vote. Would it even be close?
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

What would it matter? We were warned about Obama, and it appears he's not wasting any time getting his anti-gun agenda rolling as promised.

With the shrinking number of hunters and shooters (legal shooters, that is...) in the country, a vote on it may be disappointing, at least to us. The liberal left media does its best to portray all of us as beer-swilling bafoons in camo running amok with black rifles. The general public has no idea of the far-reaching effects of such anti-gun the invetable demise of the First, then the Fourth Amendment once the Second Amendment is toast.

Remember the statements after WWII saying we were "a nation of riflemen", and our troops came to basic training with good rifle skills, especially the boys from farms and ranches. This was a partial reason attributed to our Army and Marines doing so well in the field with their M1's. Not so much today I'm sad to say. We are a minority.

This will be a long, uphill battle to be certain.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Glen »

Every non voting gun owner in America is to blame for this 1st & foremost then the 2nd group would be the ones that BELIEVED he wouldn't do this to us. His Illinois record showed this would happen yet we all needed CHANGE!! Well now we're getting it so I hope everybody out there that helped get this Socialist Muslim elected is happy. I know bush sucked as President & a McCain win would have extended it but there is no quick fix to what has happened to our economy so voting for CHANGE was the worst possible scenario that could happen. And this goes a lot further than just the 2nd Amendment. If things don't corrected in the 2010 elections thru Congress the hill will be steeper than ever and it will be all downhill.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by rpknaz »

My only point is that this is supposed to be a for the people, by the people government. Instead, we cave into these ultra liberal minority groups. :wall: It's just amazing that so many people in this country just keep pissing away their rights and that mine/ours just right down the toilet as well. It is just sad.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

rpknaz: You're completely right of course, and you're not alone in that feeling bud, believe me. Unfortunately it's the "It can't happen here" the time it happens, it's already too late.

As Glen said, I hope this gets turned around in the next election, IF it's not too late......

Everyone I know that voted for the Obamanation told me "he said he won't take away the 2nd Amendment"..... Yeah, and I saw the Easter Bunny with Elvis yesterday too...... :?
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by glenn asher »

I don't know how this kind of law could work, it's unworkable at the moment, the technology just isn't there, and may never be there. As far as I know, it's never made it out of committee in any state except California, common sense is just not available in Sacramento.
Kentucky and Indiana have tossed it out several times, same with Missouri, and probably the other states as well, I haven't kept up with all of them.
That does NOT mean we shouldn't keep after our legislators and keep them on the straight and narrow, this kind of backdoor gun control is about all they have left.

I think the practical matters of enforcing such a law make them unworkable as well, but that's another argument.
If it would pass, it would be time to refresh that tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants, as Jefferson put it.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

Glenn: I read an "Eyes Only" document from HCI supplied to me temporarly by a high placed friend in the government last year that had their Five Year Plan. Among the atrocities they intend to bestow upon us, is what they term an "Arsenal Tax". This is an excalating tax they plan to levy on us for the amount of guns we own (registered). Five guns was the minimum, and after 25 guns, the tax was so enormous, none of us could afford it, and most of us fall into the '25 or more' catagory I'd think, at least I do. Can you imagine laing down $2,500 for the privledge of having a nice collection? Every year!?

Their intent is to tax our sport out of existence if they cannot dismantle the 2nd Amendment. Another ploy is for their Secretary of Health to list guns as 'dangerous to our health'. These birds need to be carefully watched, and we ALL need to voice our displeasure to our state representatives. We've been warned.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Hawkeye Joe »

Well.. :puke: :puke: ....... Now that I got that out :eew: . It looks like it's time to refinance the farm and buy up a LIFETIME of supplies. Every time I see Obama on the tube I have to turn the channel. Can't stand the sight of him. His track record and friends are WHO he really is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hope we don't fold because we're turning into a nation of CANDYASSES!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: BAN THIS :bum: :soap:
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by glenn asher »

Don't get me wrong, Rick, I agree with you on all counts. We've got a fight on our hands, and it's one we HAVE to win.

I do think they'd have a heckuva time with compliance, though. A blatant law like that would be ignored in wholesale numbers, across the whole country. Maybe a law like that is what the country needs to wake the heck UP.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

The sad part Glenn, is that we have so many apathetic gun owners out there who just won't get involved and contact their rep's and just sit by and "wait and see". It's that kind of attitude that will sink us all. Remember the old adage; "If we don't stand together, we'll all certainly hang together."

I just hope we make enough noise that any of these rediculous socialist/liberal laws never see the light of day. I'd hate to test your theory, but you may just be right.

To any of you out there who have NOT joined the NRA, NOW is the time!
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by rpknaz »

Honest question, could this type of action violate the 2nd Amendment? At the very least the sprit of it. Not that we should stand idle, just wondering.
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Rick in Oregon »

rpknaz: Good question. As the Obamanation is a lawyer, I'm sure they'll craftly circumvent actually deleting the 2nd Amendment, this will be just one of their methods to make it meaningless.....without ammo, what use are our guns?

But 'yes', in my eyes at least, it IS a violation of the 2nd Amendment, and I fully expect the NRA to file suit, and expect it to go all the way to the Supreme Court if enacted. As they used to say in the Navy: "Stand by for heavy rolls".......
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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by jo191145 »

Sorry Rio I can't agree on your one point.
Taxing ammo or requiring indentifiers on bullets could easily be argued by the libs as not violating the 2nd amendment. We have the right to bear arms. The constitution says nothing about imposing draconian restrictions on ammo that would subsequently render our arms useless.

Even if identifier technology is unfeasible they could still pass the law requiring it and simply say its not our fault the manufacturers cannot comply. Its the law, they must comply or not sell bullets.

If the conservative Supreme Court justices retire and are replaced by Obahma the whole game is over. Theres nothing that could stop them from passing any law they desire at that point. That includes deleting the 2nd Amendment from the Bill of Rights.

I happily announce I have no formal knowledge of the law and am not a lawyer :) Just looking at it from a libs point of view.

It amazes and saddens me that some gunowners could'nt understand this before the election and probably still don't.
This country wanted change. The real question now is can it survive it.

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Re: More Bad News: Obama Ammo Ban Coming....

Post by Wrangler John »

It's all a bunch of nonsense. The manufacturer of the engraving equipment is merely trying to drum up business. That's what happened in California. It isn't going to work, any more than requiring a fired case be registered with every new gun did in Maryland. The Maryland State Police finally had to ask for a repeal.

Ammunition restrictions are by extension just as illegal as banning firearms under the recent Supreme Court decision. These laws are introduced as payback for certain constituencies, with the knowledge that they have almost no chance of passage. California has a severe gang problem problem in Los Angeles County where police are powerless to control street gangs. In L.A. the illegal immigrant gangs are in control of entire neighborhoods, and the idiots in Sacramento thought the micro-stamping of fired semi-auto pistol cases would "give another tool to the police."

The uncertainty about Obama is causing a mild hysteria among gun owners, but Obama is going to have a fractured Democratic majority fighting among themselves to deal with. As long as he doesn't have a 60 seat majority in the senate his road is going to be a bumpy one.

Just keep deluging your representatives with your opinions.
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