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H-S precision

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:10 pm
by crazy2medic
h-s precision has taken on a new spokes person, that man would be lon horiuchi, for those that are unfamiliar with that name he was the F.B.I Sniper that shot Vicki Weaver in the head while she stood in the doorway of her house, the only thing that she was holding was her baby! I find it incredible that any company would utilize this person as a spokes person! but I will never buy a rifle stock, or anything that come out of their factory so long as they have this murderer on their payroll!

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:25 pm
by Varmintcaller
I have already sent them an e-mail with my sentiments, and told them this IDAHO hunter will never use their products again.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:18 am
by chip-don
to those of us that shoot small things at long distances the story that a trained sniper could shoot a bystander by accident was too much at the time and after all these years still is//

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:16 am
by cracker
very interesting, Thanks for keeping us informed. this is why I spend so much time on these forums.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:16 am
by Bunnybuster
I think that you misstate the incident when you say: "shot Vicki Weaver in the head while she stood in the doorway of her house, the only thing that she was holding was her baby!"

He spotted Randy Weaver, and Kevin Harris, both of whom were armed outside of the house. He engaged them hitting Weaver. Harris fled, ans was trying to re-enter the house through the door. The round fired on Harris, did a through and through on Harris, went through the door, and struck Vicki Weaver, who was behind the door and not in the line of sight.

Should he have taken a shot on a running target? They are iffy, but he was the man on the trigger, who knew his skills, and the conditions.

Was he trigger happy? Can't say.

He engaged two targets both of whom were armed, and on the "shoot" list. Through a fluke chain of events, and circumstance he killed a "nonhostile".

Did the BATF have a reason to be there in the first place? Not in my mind, but I don't know all the facts. Irrespective of what I think, they were there with a valid warrant, so they had convinced a Judge they had enough probable cause to issue it.

Responsibility for the whole thing, in my mind, drops back to Randy Weaver, who refused to allow them to serve a valid warrant to search his property. Had he respected the rule of law in the beginning, things would have been over in a few hours with out injury to anyone.

Instead he chose to ignore the warrant, and started a chain of events, that rapidly went sideways.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:51 pm
by KIM204
Crazy2medic H-S has NOT PUT THIS PERSON ON THERE PAYROLL !!!!! I talked to Josh he is there sales manger for H-S and he told me that there is NO TRUE to the BS thats on this forum! :!:

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:01 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Kim: Thanks for posting. I could not imagine H-S Precision hiring such a controversial individual such as Horuchi.

To me, that sounded like Remington hiring Schumer for their PR man......NOT! :eek:

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:43 pm
by crazy2medic
H-S catalogue, who wrote the full page endorsement on the back????

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:23 pm
by KIM204
I have that catalogue. SO there does it say that he is a spokes person for H-S, on there payroll? All I read out of it is that the FBI , out of all the gun manufacturers they picked H-S to replace all of the aging sniper rifles with in the FBI. :?

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:33 pm
by Bergcrane2
Is there any news articles available? I must have missed this story.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:50 pm
by KIM204
No some one just started this BS with no reel facts! :!:

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:50 pm
by KIM204
No some one just started this BS with no reel facts! :!:

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:01 pm
by Bergcrane2
But why would they even want that kind of press? Sounds like a bad business decision to me.
Here's the wiki.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:40 am
by glenn asher
KIM204, HSPrecision may not have hired Horiuchi, but using HIM, of all people, as a person to endorse their wares is not a good choice. He should have been thrown in prison for his actions, not endorsing HS Precision products.
People can blame Randy Weaver all they like, and deservedly so, for his actions, but NEVER, EVER forget that the government started that fight, they entrapped him in a shady sawn-off shotgun deal (that later turned out to be perfectly legal!), to get him to spy on his neighbors. He refused, and they concocted the mess that became Ruby Ridge.
There's plenty of blame for both sides on this whole mess, but the lion's share belongs to the US Government there, and it was proven in court.

As far as HS goes, they won't get any of my money, ever again. Putting Horiuchi's endorsement on the cover of their catalog shows they have no sense whatsoever, either business or common.

Re: H-S precision

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:00 am
by K22
glenn asher wrote:KIM204, HSPrecision may not have hired Horiuchi, but using HIM, of all people, as a person to endorse their wares is not a good choice. He should have been thrown in prison for his actions, not endorsing HS Precision products.
People can blame Randy Weaver all they like, and deservedly so, for his actions, but NEVER, EVER forget that the government started that fight, they entrapped him in a shady sawn-off shotgun deal (that later turned out to be perfectly legal!), to get him to spy on his neighbors. He refused, and they concocted the mess that became Ruby Ridge.
There's plenty of blame for both sides on this whole mess, but the lion's share belongs to the US Government there, and it was proven in court.

As far as HS goes, they won't get any of my money, ever again. Putting Horiuchi's endorsement on the cover of their catalog shows they have no sense whatsoever, either business or common.
I agree!!!