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We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:34 am
by Verminator2
In a 5 to 4 decision, the supreme court has upheld our INDIVIDUAL right to keep and bear arms!

:w00t: I think I'm going to go shoot something :camper:

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:16 am
by Rick in Oregon
Verm2: Thanks for posting buddy! This is HUGE for all of us and our way of life. This decision would also have had dire effect on the Right to Carry too, which by the way, will again be in jeaprody if Obama gets elected, as he's said plainly that only the police and military should be allowed to carry handguns. This guy is NOT one of us! He has voted in the Senate against virtually every pro-gun issue ever presented to him, and is being supported by the likes of Sarah Bradey, Shumer, Kennedy, Fienstein, Boxer, Waxman, Bloomberg, and all the other gun-haters of the Demo party.

Voting this year will be more important than any other election in recent memory for gun owners and CWP holders.

Also, don't forget that the Demo's also have their eyes on evil "sniper rifles", meaning any centerfire rifle with a scope! Don't be fooled, and don't forget to VOTE!

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:51 am
by LeeC
What RIO said. Obama is definitly NOT one of us, and I will add, neither are any of his supporters. I can see a mad scramble now to interpret every letter of the decision once it is all made known. Keep an eye out for nraila alerts and the Outdoor Wire.

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:16 pm
by K_Hini
Kinda scary it was only a 5-4 vote!! I guess four of them had a hard time in 3rd grade reading and comprehension!!!


Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:28 pm
by glenn asher
This victory is big, but not real comprehensive, it's VERY narrowly written, and Scalia, who wrote it, meant it to be. Let's not get too worked up, the heavy lifting is done, but there's still a heckuva lot of work left to do. Scalia DID put into place as much protection as he could, and still get a "passing" vote with the four libtard "justices". He did mention that the 2nd Amendment didn't cover M16s (but DID cover AR-15s and such).

On a more positive note, the NRA filed suits in San Francisco today, to overturn the ban there, and is looking at Chicago, among other places, too. If we can keep them backing up, they can't push forwards................

I'm not articulate enough to post much more, but there's a ton of stuff, some of it interpreted by real lawyers, over on, in the hunter's campfire forum. That's where I go for my political "fixes", they aren't shy about politics over there, while we try to keep this place an enclave of freedom FROM politics. :wink:

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:44 pm
by LeeC
For those that do not subscribe to, take a look and you might want to sign up. No cost.

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:13 pm
by blkdog
Even though this a major victory for gun owners, it is just a battle in a major war. Now more than ever it is important to join the NRA and give what you can so we can defeat the rest of the crazy gun laws in the rest of the country,ie SF and Chicago. By the way Rick its good to see you back. I just read your article in the Varmint Hunter, good job!

Re: We Won!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:29 pm
by WrzWaldo
I heard it on the radio on the way home from work. Great news! But as others have mentioned it's far from over. The anti-gun nuts will just find new creative ways to make our lives miserable. And like Rick said, if Obama gets elected were screwed...