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After the change of plans......cont'd

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:38 am
by Keith in Ga
everyone is home and well. Our new granddaughter spent most of the week in the ICU for tests, they found NOTHING! We got to bring her home Friday, and she is doing great. Mom is moving around pretty good after a 9 lb 1 oz baby, and my son is progressing after his appendix surgery. I hope I don't have any more weeks like the last one. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Re: After the change of plans......cont'd

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:15 am
by Glen
Well now thats about the best report anybody could ask for right there!! :mrgreen:

I'm gald all is much better now!! :wink:

Re: After the change of plans......cont'd

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:43 pm
by Captqc
Glad to hear all is well with your family. Thanks for letting us be part of your family, it sure never hurts to have others praying for you. This is the most amazing group of guys I've ever seen, even though most of us have never met in person we share our accomplishments as well as our troubles and the responses are amazing. When I posted about Rick going to the hospital I never thought it would get the attention it did but people showed that they truely cared even though most of them have never met Rick. Just is last weekend I met Kevin "Futuretrades" for the first time and in about 10 minutes I said to him how well he fit in our group. We are a band of brothers here and we have something that I don't see on other forums. Please know that you and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

Re: After the change of plans......cont'd

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:11 am
by Lee C.
It's good to here every thing went well for ya Keith. And that every one is doing good. Now you can relax a little and take it easy your self.