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Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:25 pm
by WrzWaldo
I caught this over at Saubier.

I don't purchase firearms from them but for those that do...

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:04 pm
by Glen
I just emailed walfart corporate & told them I am done with their slave labor company.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:20 am
by Lee C.
Well guys don't think Wal-Mart is the only one doing this to every one. About two weeks ago on the news there was a story about a guy that was buying some ammo from Gander Mountain. And a day or so latter the ATF broke in to hes house when he was gone some place. I haven't seen any more about this on the news. But this is whats going on in wisconsin already.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:31 am
by rpknaz
I am completely stunned. As a rule I have tried to stay away from Walmart even if it meant spending more somewhere else. Now I will NEVER go back!! I think it is time for me to join the NRA and vote for those who will protect our right to own, carry and shoot guns. If I could help in another way let me know. Man, Walmart just sucks!!!!!!!!

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:15 am
by Bayou City Boy
rpknaz wrote:....... I think it is time for me to join the NRA and vote for those who will protect our right to own, carry and shoot guns.........
Irregardless of your age, you, and all the others who have also stood on the sidelines watching, might be 40 years too late coming to that revelation....


Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:20 am
by Rambler
I think all gun owners should be a member of the NRA..

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:47 pm
by jo191145
Sadly enough I agree with the last two posts.
In case theres any one else out there who hasn't noticed we gun owners are in some very deep doo doo.
It seems it won't be long before they take our boots, then our snorkels.

If anyone out there reads this and is not an NRA member your next task is to sign up. Immediately!!!
I really couldn't care less if you agree with all their positions or not.
I really couldn't care less if they inconvenience you with mail and phone calls.
They're all we've got and BCB just might be right.
It would be nice to prove BCB wrong on this one issue. It definitely won't be easy.
You can fight now,You can fight later or you can lay down forever.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:59 pm
by futuretrades
Been a lifetime member since 1982, now a patron life member. only b!tch I have was when we recalled our previous governor. the NRA would not take a position and after the recall would not back the best candidate to replace him. it is my belief that is one of the main reasons we ended up with the govenator. all in all i am still a very proud member of the NRA!

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:46 pm
by race4hills
The NRA will fight for hunting rights also. Here is a part of what they did to help on the Colorado Pdog ban.

COLORADO: Hunting Ban Being Discussed in Colorado! The Colorado Wildlife Commission will meet to discuss a complete ban on prairie dog hunting in the state of Colorado on May 1-2. While radical anti-hunting/animal rights groups are targeting prairie dog hunting as cruel, it is a traditional sporting activity and necessary management tool, especially for ranching interests in the state. The Colorado Wildlife Commission will be meeting at the Holiday Inn on 755 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction, CO 81506 on May 1 and May 2 starting each morning at 8:30am. Please attend these meetings and voice your support of all hunting in Colorado. It is critical that sportsmen show that the radical anti-hunting lobby is in the minority by significantly out-numbering them at the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please call the Colorado Wildlife Commission at (303) 297-1192 and inform them that you are strongly opposed to any attempt to ban prairie dog hunting in Colorado.

This was part of an email NRA-ILA_Alerts sent out. So they do and will listen.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:20 pm
by Captqc
I have to agree with JO, if you own a gun are not a member of the NRA you should sign up today! I don't agree with everything they say or do but where would we be without them? This will be a bad election cycle for gun owners and we need all of the protection we can get. Gary

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:54 am
by Rick in Oregon
I also firmly agree with jo191145, and opine that if we don't all stand together, we'll surely perish as gun owners together in short order, especially if one of the current Demo's gets elected, as both of their policies on gun control, gun ownership, and the subject in general is well documented. (This months American Rifleman documents Obama's policies quite well.)

Join the NRA now, so you won't be one of the whiners saying "we should have done something" after the dust clears. Learn the hard lessons handed down from governments to "protect" their citizens from our friends in the UK, Austraila and Canada, just to name a few. Join now, as there still may be time....I'd hate to prove BCB right on this, but unfortunately, he just may be.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:14 am
by Bayou City Boy
I hope no one proves BCB right on this issue either....

My point was that there are far too many gun owners who stand on the side lines and are not members of the NRA. The NRA may have a few warts, but they are the only voice that we have in Congress that politicians listen to.


Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:08 pm
by Hotshot
Dittos on the NRA sentiments. The NRA is the best we got and we would be a lot worse off without them.

If I understand the Walmart thing right, I buy a gun and get into their registry. If I sell that gun to my hunting buddy-then he sells it to a guy he works with-and that guy gives it to his kid-then somebody steals the gun from that kid and uses it in a crime, Walmart then doesn't want to sell me another gun, because that other one was used in a crime. I think I'll just save them the trouble and not buy from them in the first place.

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:01 pm
by WrzWaldo
Not only a registry, the transaction will also be stored on video! :eek:

Re: Wally-World to create gun buyers database

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:47 pm
by glenn asher
WrzWaldo wrote:Not only a registry, the transaction will also be stored on video! :eek:

If you buy toilet paper in Wally World, it's on video, they video everything anyway. That doesn't mean we should lie down for this, though. I've never bought a firearm from them, and have no plans to do so, but I will try to discourage my friends from buying there (as I already do!). I really do try to avoid WalMart after old Sam died, he kept them straight.

As for anyone NOT a member of the NRA, WHY? We might not like everything they do, or don't do, but it's still the best voice we have, and we need EVERY voice we can get, especially in this election year. Yeah, the NRA has 3.5-4 million members, but think of the clout with twice that number!
This is going to be a pivotal election, and we sure need all the clout we can get.