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i can't look at the site

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:36 pm
by serpent71
every time i login and try to look at forums it errors and i sent emails to the address it said to but i still can't look at the site

help please

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:33 pm
by erslll
I am in the same boat. If I am not logged in, all is fine. I was not logged in when I saw this post, hit reply, logged in and now able to post. If I am logged in, I get an error message every time I try to look at one of the sub-forums.

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:58 pm
by serpent71
ya me too help

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:50 pm
by Rafter CT
I'm in the same boat. No replies from the moderators either. Kinda frustrating.

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:27 pm
by serpent71
me too sent emails no answer

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:19 am
by skipper
You guys please, be patient. Brian (204shooter) the administrator is working on the problem. He always is. This isn't the first time this board has been attacked by hackers, hijackers, etc. He will have things up and running as soon as possible.

If you logout, you will be able to navigate through the forums and even post. When you relpy to a post you will be taken to the login screen. Login and you can write a reply and hit submit. You will get the "error" page again but, just logout again and return to the forums to read and post some more.

The bad news is that some posts get lost when the board comes back up. Brian may have to load a saved copy of the forum. If you save a copy of your posts in Microsoft Word, you can re-submit when things get back to normal. Be sure to let Brian know how much you appreciate his efforts to keep this board up and running. It's a full time obligation to him.

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:16 am
by homefront
A forum like this is a labor of love, and much appreciated by those who participate.
Thanks, Brian!!

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:39 pm
by Va varminter
I am glad it is not just me.

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:22 pm
by Glen
I'm back too!! :mrgreen: And it feels good to be here!! :wink: No matter what I tried there was no way possible for me to get anything but that ERROR screen. The only real luck I had was coming from my email into my PM box. Then all I could do was PM folks. Still no Forums for me. I'm back so now I get to catch up on 3 days of posts. :lol:

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:26 am
by foxwhistler
Glen,I think there are a lot of people on this sight been suffering withdrawl symptoms :!:

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:58 am
by Glen
It sure seems that way doesn't it? :lol: But we're back now!! :wink:

Re: i can't look at the site

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:04 pm
by serpent71
i am back now too thanks alot