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See if this gets you fired up!

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:39 pm
by WrzWaldo
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

This is out of control! These dipsticks just don't get the fact that no matter how much they stick it to the law abiding citizen the criminal will do what they always do, IGNORE the law! We really need to push back hard on this ammo legislation! And soon...

Re: See if this gets you fired up!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:02 am
by visigoth
They have been pushing this crap for years. I heard Chuckie Shooomur say that the supply of firearms in the US could last for 100 years, even if they banned them all. He went on to say that on the shelves there is only a 1-2 year supply of ammunition, so that is where they should concentrate their efforts.

Make no mistake, they want to ban all firearms from us civilians, and the evidence comes directly from their mouths, or in this case, from various bills. Check out "Brady II" under google ( ... r-bill.pdf, and read the text of that POS. Here is a link to a condensed version (