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Off Topic

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:39 pm
It’s not too often that I hear anything positive about guns or shooting in the news. I listen to NPR a lot when I am driving in my truck and I feel that they are a liberal orientated format but I still like to listen because there are no commercials and I like some of the features. Today while going to look for some fly tying material for an upcoming trip to Pyramid Lake in Nevada I was stunned to here a really nice half hour piece on primitive biathlon competition, a sport done on snow shoes and using muzzle loaders. There was absolutely no anti gun anything in the whole piece. Made my day.

Re: Off Topic

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:59 pm
by rayfromtx
I listen to NPR everyday and have never heard a bias against guns in their reporting. If I did I would write to complain. I don't find them left leaning but rather open and revealing in most cases, generally bringing to light the bs in government regardless of who is in office. They used to give clinton heck. After the monica thing, they were on his butt every day like a good press should be.

Re: Off Topic

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:55 pm
Ray, I did not mean to imply that NPR was anti gun, or anti anything. I just had never heard anything positive about guns or the shooting sports on there in 30 years of listening to them. My opinion of their political standing is my own. Sorry if I said the wrong thing. I have a bad habit of that and that is why I post infrequently.

Re: Off Topic

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:57 am
by glenn asher
I, also, listen to NPR, because I can't stand much commercial radio, too many commercials, after all.........
None of them try to hide their left-leaning ways, for danged sure, but they do tend to hammer the right pretty bad, and hammer the left when it suits them, or their fellow travelers. YOu might recall, in 2001, how Juan Williams went on and on about Bush stealing the election from algore. Some of their stuff, like Prairie Home Companion, and This American Life, I flat out won't listen to, period. Car Talk I can handle, and the regular news programs, TOTN, for example. If you think NPR is even-handed, listen to the Diane Rhieme show sometime...........
NPR's guest list on their other programs reads like something out of a liberal's handbook, they only choose the most controversial and flat-out wierd moonbats when talking about movies, for example.

I can listen to some of it, but my BS filter gets full, and I have to replace it pretty often (just like I do with Rush Limbaugh!)