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XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:10 pm
by skipper
After the Postal Shoot I gave the XR-100 to my youngest son, Jaxon. He sure has taken to the shooting sports. He loves the gun and is determined to compete in a full blown benchrest competition. I made a deal with him. When he can shoot consistently in the .3's with the XR-100, I'll buy him a new barrel of his choice, sleeve the action, get him a benchrest stock and a NightForce to top it all off. Personally, I love to see him get involved to that level.

I'm sure he is going to join the forum pretty soon. Ya'll go easy on him, will ya. He's willing to listen and learn. Now if I can just get him off my rifle.


Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:40 pm
by acloco
Congrats to him....and condolensces to YOUR pocket book!

I am not the best, by far, and I am not the worse shot in the world...but show him this....and it can happen to anybody. Keep the chin up and keep forging ahead.

My groups are in the 3's..... :)

You helped me name the thread!!! ... f=2&t=4020

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 2:47 pm
by Hawkeye Joe
Atta boy Skipper 8) . I was lucky to have a H&R single shot shotgun when I was a kid. If it wasn't for my grandfather(hawkeye joe).I might not of had that. Is your boy a NRA member yet :lol:

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:05 pm
by WrzWaldo
Right on Jaxon!

When you get signed up on the forums you'll be able to shoot the next PS.

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:58 pm
by Glen
Congratulations & Best of Luck Jaxon!!!! And a big kudos to you as well skipper!!!

After the Postal Shoot I gave the XR-100 to my youngest son, Jaxon.
Now if I can just get him off my rifle.

:lol: :lol: :wink:

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:47 pm
by hozz57
I know how you feel Skipper, My daughter seems to take over with my XR-100 whenever I take her P-doggin'. So I'm wondering whether I should buy her, her own .204 :chin:or maybe get myself a new one? And how the heck am I going to talk the wife into it? Hmmm my wife's birthday is this month... :idea:


Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:28 pm
by skipper
Looks to me like she knows how to operate that rifle.

That story sounds a lot like the year I got my wife a new fishing pole. You should have seen the look on her face.

Honey, can I borrow your new fishing pole???

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:50 pm
by Lee C.
Wayto go Skipper and hozz57, I've always said once you got a kid hook on hunting or fishing you have most the battle won as they grow up.

Re: XR-100 Changes Hands

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 12:18 am
by trevort
Well done Skipper. My son just couldnt close the correct eye, he kept trying to look across the stock to use the further away eye.

He just wont try if he thinks he's no good.

Its been 18mths since he has been to the range but I am pleased to say he came with me yesterday. Now at age 11 his coordination is that bit better and his body big enough to get the rifle in the right place.

"that was fun Dad, can I go with you next time you go hunting"

Yee Har :D