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New 204!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:34 pm
by mr.theman
Hello all. I just picked up a 204 barrel for my Encore. This is my first 204 and I am very happy that I found this site, should make finding a good load for my rifle a little easier. I plan on using this mainly for predator hunting since that is just about all I do. Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks for making all this info available to 204 newbies like myself.


Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:42 am
by Lee C.
Welcome to the forum Mr.T, I can't help you out on the encore load. But there are alot of guys that shoot them here that should jump in here and help you out with a good load shortly. So have fun with your new encore 204.

Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:16 am
by Captqc
Hey Mr. T
Welcome to the forum! Be sure to take pictures of your adventures, we love pictures around here.

Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:28 pm
by glenn asher
Howdy and welcome! There are several posts with "Favorite Loads" and some good stuff by Grayfox and loading data in the stickies, along with all the other everyday stuff. Feel free to start low and work into anything you care to try. If you have any questions, these guys will fight each other to see who gets to help you out. This is a good bunch, welcome to the party!

Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:15 pm
by Hutch20
Hey!! don't I know you?!? ;)


There's LOTS of knowledge round here, and then there's me :?


Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:16 pm
by mr.theman
Yeah I think I know a feller named Hutch ;)

Good to see you here. Your right there is a bunch of great info here and I'm sure you contribute to it :D


Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:44 am
by Ethan
My Encore really likes H4895. The most accurate load is with 35 grn Bergers, Rem 7 1/2 primers and 28.0 of 4895. This load is over published max so approach with caution. It is safe in my rifle with no signs of pressure and shoots fantastic. The Bergers are also highly regarded as coyote bullets, but I have yet to get a shot at one.
This summer I have been playing with the 39 grain Sierra's and getting good groups with the same load of 4895. This also is over max so work your way up.
My rifle wont shoot the 40 grain Hornady well at all, but a trait I am noticing is that it shoots better the more powder I put in it. With published loads of 4895 the accuracy is so-so still around MOA but not anything to rave about. Load it up though and the groups really shrink. I have yet to push the 40's and see if they shoot better. I am also wanting to try some N133 but have not had the time yet.
Keep us posted on what is working in your rifle. Encores can be very picky about case sizing and headspace.
BTW my best loads are with unsized brand new Hornady cases. There should be many posts on this subject from last year if you search.


Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:56 am
by glenn asher
"My rifle wont shoot the 40 grain Hornady well at all, but a trait I am noticing is that it shoots better the more powder I put in it." from Ethan.

That's typical performance when marginal stability is present. You might be better served with the Sierra 39s. If bullet stability is marginal at best, the faster you push 'em, the more stability you should get (the bullet is twisted faster, sorta/kinda like what a faster barrel twist would do, this is a VERY general statement, though!) This by NO MEANS mean you should just shovel in more powder, it's just an explanation. If you're having accuracy troubles with the 40 Hornady, by all means try the Nosler 40, which is slightly shorter, or the superb 39 Sierra, which seems to shoot in factory barrels very well. I'd be willing to bet that the factory barrels in MOST rifles aren't a true 1-12", but more like 1-12.5", due to manufacturing tolerances.

Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:41 am
by Ethan
I think you are right about the stability Glenn. That makes sense BUT, shooting the 32 Vmaxs I also get better results the faster I push them. Thats what makes load development fun. I wish I could be happy with 3/4 MOA's. My buddy I shoot with just shoots factory loads at a bit over 1 MOA and is content.

I gave up on the Hornadys. I am getting such good groups with the Sierra 39 and Berger 35 that I just don't care to try and get a good load with the 40's. So far, even being over published max on most of my loads I am getting no pressure signs at all. They shoot so well I don't care about going for more speed. I bought a bunch of Sierra and Bergers and am supplimenting those with some Dogtowns for practice.


Re: New 204!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:09 pm
by Glen
Hornady also has said to shoot the 40's at 200yds. They said in the extra 200 yards the 40's will "go to sleep & stabilize". :chin: I just went to the 39gr BK's!! :lol: