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Off Topic, Had to share this

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:48 am
by skipper
Here is a picture of my daughter (top left) and her partners in crime. She and the other girls are life guards at the pools around the subdivision. They are all cammo'ed up in preparation to go wrap the boy life guards houses. Don't they look smug??? Score one for the girls.


When I woke up yesterday morning there was a message in shaving cream on my front driveway. It said "revenge sucks". I looked around and couldn't see a thing. I thought the dogs had barked or something else scared them off before they could get her back. That was until I went to let the dogs out in the back yard. We're on the lake so there's access to our back yard. Score a big one for the boys. I don't know what their houses looked like but, my daughters spent the day cleaning up. What goes around, comes around.



I had to get up on the roof when I got home and pulled eight rolls of toilet paper out of the gutters. The girls didn't clean up very well.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:00 am
by Gmoney
Oh the memories......grin...

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:48 pm
by .204 Sniper
LMFAO! I remember those days, as well! Good times.