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Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:28 pm
by Iamsignal3
I got the wood for my Encore in from Boyd's, took three months but the laminated forend and thumbhole stocks are better then what I expected. I have the un-finished nutmeg and they require very little in the way of sanding. I got a AA walnut thumbhole stock for it several years ago from an individual (stock seller) that looked like it was formed using a screw driver for a chisel :mad: . The action cut out and screw hole were so far off it was junk, but I sanded on it a bit so he said no returns. Urg! Back to the Boyd's, nice, nice, and nice. Well within the scope of anyone with basic woodworking skills to do. Soon as I get it all sanded and polyurethane coated, I will post pictures.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:48 pm
by RacefacE
i love my boyds VT stock! i have yet to bed the action and my first and only group i have put together with my savage 12fv in the boyds stock was just a tad over .5'' at 100 yards. and i blame myself for not putting the 3rd one right between the first 2.

unfortunately this is the busy season, and i ship off to boot camp in september, so the .204 wont see much love for awhile. so enjoy yours twice as much for me 8)


Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:14 pm
by Iamsignal3
They are turning out really nice but I put a little to much poly on tonight and got a run so now it (buttstock) has to sit to tommorow so that it fully dries and I can sand it. Should have it together Sunday : ). The dies and bullets will not be here til Monday anyway. The action doesn't fit in the buttstock as tight as I would like so bedding it is for that too.
Bedding isn't all that tough to do just have to make sure that you have a good release agent on the metal. Hear tell that once you get them stuck together (mechanical lock) it is all bad. I use clear kiwi shoe polish and have since I started bedding guns about 10 years ago and it works perfect.
Boot camp........... 1976 Ft Dix N.J., it was summer there and hot. Got heat stroke twice and yelled at for it by the drill A.J. Askew. Ah the good ole days.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:22 pm
by RacefacE
good luck with the stock man
cant wait for BC! 8)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:38 pm
by Iamsignal3
Here are the finished Boyds stocks glass and pillar (Devcon) the front and glass bedded the rear stock. Perfect scope alignment
(at least for me) and I like the way they look too.
Now just waiting for the UPS guy to bring my bullets
and dies and off the the camp tomorrow to shoot this puppy.
:D Started life as a 7-08 pistol that was collecting safe
dust, and had Bullberry do a trigger job on it back then,
1997 or so. Hoping for some of those ity bitty .204 groups.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:40 pm
by RacefacE
very nice! i like how the stock is/looks 2 pieces. the most exciting part will be those groups im sure.

i didnt go for the laminate look on mine, but here it is.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:26 pm
by Iamsignal3
Very nice!

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:10 pm
by .204 Sniper
Mine WAS Black/Pepper Laminate (Remington XR-100) but it's a working gun..........................


As for Itty's a factory ammo teaser for you.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:10 pm
by Iamsignal3
Took her out and shot it today and got a vertical sting of an inch from the top down with each shot. The last three shots in the ladder went into an inch using IMR 4895 and 32 gr Vmax, same thing with the 35 grain Bergers. Noticed that the brass had what almost looked like a cut in the body about 1/2 way around and 1/4 inch down from the shoulder. Shot 20 rounds and all off them were the same. Sending the barrel back to TC in the a.m. I am thinking that the chamber has a ridge in it but did not get any cases that were sticking. Looks like I will be playing with my 22-250 AI for another month.