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$$$$$ gas strike $$$$$

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:56 pm
by brokeasajoke
A little late i guess but there is a grasroots gas strike may 15 tues. Buy no gas/fuel products or as little as possible. Just heard about it some 2hrs ago. Maybe it will help if enough people stick to it. No offense to anyone who owns a gas station. We should still suport them with drinks and snacks and such I guess. later all.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:10 pm
by WrzWaldo
Last I checked my 204 Ruger did not require gas. :?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:47 am
by Lee C.
YA the gas price is hurting all of us. But if you look at what the state and fed. take in tax on ever gal. of gas and fuel. It's not just the oil compy. that are makeing all the money. The last i seen the government got 57 cents for every gal. of gas sold. And i don't see the polltician in government doing any thing about it to help out. But it's not just the price of gas that is hurting this country. You look back 10 or 15 years ago and look at the price of things to day it's hard to believe how much things have gone up. And i sure can't see it getting any better down the road any to soon. Well the best to all and have a good day.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:47 am
by skb2706
works great for one whole day.................

Im in

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:19 pm
by Iamsignal3
Broke my right ankle and doctor said no driving for 2 months so I will do the 15 of the next two months also :lol:

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:41 pm
by Shooter
You are not really serious. How many times has this been done? We are trapped and you know it. :D :D :D

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:11 pm
by glenn asher
Adjusted for inflation, gas is cheaper now than in 1973, during the Arab oil embargo, the first time they realized they had us over a barrel. Right now there is NO reason for the higher prices, other than a lack of refining capacity. Environmental concerns (Not In My Back Yard) haven't allowed new refineries to be built since who knows when. Someone has to grow some stones and get some more refineries built, and build them someplace inland, away from hurricanes and other potential problems.
Right now, we are stuck until we get more refining capacity. Notice how prices soar when a refinery or two shut down for "routine maintenance", it always seems to be just before a major holiday or the peak driving season. Odd, isn't it? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Give up the Expedition?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 4:58 pm
by Vartarg
I think not....that's the only way I'd really save gas $$....but it'll get 15mpg on Thursday...just as it does on Wednesday. This is just a "feel good" exercise......

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:03 pm
by Shooter
I have heard this "adjusted for inflation" enough from the powers that be. We are getting raped! I worked for the second biggest oil company in the world for 29 years. Believe me, you are getting raped. However, I cartainly have a nice retirement!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:24 pm
by jo191145
A much better alternative is to not buy gas from the major suppliers Mobil,Exxon etc. You know, the ones where the prices are always a little higher. If they feel the pinch they'll drop thier prices and the "cheaper" stations will in turn drop thiers.
It still amazes me how many people pay a premium when just down the road its six or more cents cheaper.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:33 pm
by majcl5
Shooter you nailed it we are all GETTING SCREWED. The Oil companys run the world. You can make all the excuses you want to but were all getting screwed while the rich get richer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:34 pm
by brokeasajoke
one day? So the theory goes that it isnt about not giving your money to the oil companys but rather messing with supply. Supposedly a college student come up with this process to do this on five strategic days which will screwup supply backing it up all the way to where it comes out of the ground hince supply and demand more supply. It was told to me that a certian oil company uh exxon i think makes $87,000 every minute. Geez thats a chunk of change. Almost a billion a week. I need to start making gas instead of cloth for a living! Well i guess i make a little gas but i cant sell it.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 11:54 am
by Mike
There's really no logic to this. So you don't buy gas on what? Wednesday everyone resumes buying gas and life goes on. Other than an attempt to make people feel like they're doing something, what's the point?

Now the demand for crude oil is something that does make sense. Developing countries like China and India are consuming much more crude oil, in turn driving up demand, in turn increasing prices.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:35 pm
by Bayou City Boy
glenn asher wrote:.......Right now there is NO reason for the higher prices, other than a lack of refining capacity.......

Environmental concerns (Not In My Back Yard) haven't allowed new refineries to be built since who knows when. Someone has to grow some stones and get some more refineries built, and build them someplace inland, away from hurricanes and other potential problems.

Right now, we are stuck until we get more refining capacity. Notice how prices soar when a refinery or two shut down for "routine maintenance", it always seems to be just before a major holiday or the peak driving season. Odd, isn't it? :mad: :mad: :mad:
The ONE reason gas is priced higher right now is because of world demand for the available crude. Oil is traded on a world-wide mercantile market just like soybeans are hee in the US because the government wanted the market economy to control oil prices. When demand is high, so is the price......

The lack of refining capacity is also a major road block. Governemnt regs again..... But refineries don't shut down just to get the price higher. Many do maintenance in summer when its easier to do for obvious reasons. And a lot of the maintenance is mandated by governemnt regs.... Catch 22............

Also, refineries don't make money sitting idle for a month. If they shut down in the winter months for yearly maintenance or unexpectdly because of problems, the demand for fuel oil goes high and consumers complain - in the summer its gasoline since everyone is on vacation.

Buildong new refineries in "safe" location in the country is not easy even if the environmental objections can be overcome. If you have to transport crude to them over long distances, the cost of transportation (pipeline or truck/rail) kills any profit a refinery can possibley make.

My point is simple.....the oil companies don't cause all the problems. Blaming big oil for high prices in total is like blaming guns for killing people. There's actually a whole lot more involved in the equation....


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 4:55 pm
by Ohlsen
There was a thing on TV awhile back where one oil company sold it's highest profit refinery in Calif. to another oil company that promptly shut it down so they could bring in refined gasoline from another of their refineries and charge higher prices.