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Les Baer and Armalite Moving.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:05 pm
by LeeC
Bear, Armalite and Rock River are all within a stone's throw from me. Because of Psychotic Richie Daley, mayor of Chicago, and his minions in the state house with their proposed "new" gun laws, Les Baer is trying to buy land in Le Claire, Ia, and now Armalite has announced they will move out of Illinois. Les Baer is now having problems buying land in Iowa, because a retired minister and his wife are protesting the establishment of a gun manufacturer in Their town, and are pointing at Virginia Tech as a reason for not wanting gunmakers around. These people have gone to the Le Claire, Ia, city board and have outbid Les Baer by $500 for the land. Armalite is going to try to keep their main manufacturing where it is, and move the 50 Cal. part of the business to Iowa or Indiana.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:46 pm
by glenn asher
The last I heard, Les had made the deal and was getting ready to make the move, it was from a Quad Cities newpaper blurb. I can't blame anyone at all, let alone a firearms maker, for getting out of Illinois, that place is notorious for stupid firearms legislation. I've met Les a few times at the USPSA Nationals, when he was running Springfield Armory's custom shop, building guns for Leatham, and others. I wish him well, and hope he finds a location without whiny liberals to annoy him.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:49 pm
by glenn asher
Gun manufacturer targeting move to LeClaire
By Mary Louise Speer | Monday, April 16, 2007
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LeCLAIRE, Iowa — A Rock Island County custom gun manufacturing company is fixing its sights on moving operations to LeClaire by next fall.

Les Baer Custom of Hillsdale, Ill., recently celebrated 25 years of creating precision firearms.

But Illinois state legislators are proposing two bills that could ban semi-automatic weapons in Illinois. Rather than close up shop, Les Baer Sr. wants LeClaire city officials to give preliminary approval to a development proposal and land purchase offer at tonight’s meeting.

“Our main market right now is the competitive shooter and law enforcement. We deal with every armed forces branch of the United States and do a lot for SWAT units and police departments,” he said.

Baer began his gunsmithing business in a small shop in Pennsylvania in the mid-1970s, he said. He employs 14 at his location in Hillsdale and plans to hire at least eight more people after moving to LeClaire.

He is proposing to purchase a 2.82 acre, commercially-zoned parcel of land from the city and build an assembly and distribution center there. The site is near Interstate 80 and U.S. 67 in west LeClaire between the Mississippi Valley Welcome Center, 900 Eagle Ridge Road, and wastewater treatment plant, 1800 Iowa Drive.

The company builds custom 1911 pistols, AR rifles and custom parts from the design phase, he said. Trained gunsmiths assemble the firearms by hand to ensure each meets standards. He sells weapons all over the globe with a sizable amount of sales to customers in Germany and Thailand, he said.

However, two bills being considered in the Illinois General Assembly would put him out of business. Senate Bill 16 would make it unlawful for any person in Illinois to “knowingly manufacture, deliver, sell, purchase, or possess or cause to be manufactured, delivered, sold, purchased, or possessed a semi-automatic assault weapon, an assault weapon attachment, any 50-caliber rifle, or 50-caliber cartridge.”

Illinois House Bill 873 reflects the same provisions and stipulations.

Baer said he would rather move his company now instead of waiting to see if the bills pass.

The proposed building is about 14,000 square feet and would have 24-hour security, he said. Weapons testing will take place in a sound-proof chamber made of concrete with a rubber backstop, he said. People standing outside would be unable to hear the sound, he added.

LeClaire city officials say they will welcome the newcomer.

“As far as the type of business it is, it’s primarily assembly and distribution, and it’s a nice mix for that area because most customers do not come to the facility,” LeClaire Police Chief James Pfeiffer said.

Based on the company’s history, Pfeiffer is confident the company will be able to operate safely and maintain the necessary high levels of security.

“The business is a great addition to the community. It’s going to add to the economic base and add jobs,” he said.

City officials could approve a site plan as soon as May, City Administrator Edwin Choate said. The new development will expand and diversify LeClaire’s commercial tax base and supplement the work force, he said.

“There’s no outside activities. It’s all contained within the building,” he said

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:17 pm
by LeeC
Glenn, Les has not yet made a deal. The city wanted to sell the land, he wanted to buy it, these other people upped the ante. The city council will meet this coming Monday, and this deal is supposed to be on the agenda.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:32 pm
by glenn asher
I got that, after re-reading the article. $500 ain't much in the scheme of things, I'd think the city would rather have the jobs and taxes coming in, than an upfront $500 . The guy who sent that to me, has a pistol on order from Les, so he's more than interested in this, he has a stake in it. I got THAT in an email, he was upset that it would take longer to get his pistol. It'll be worth the wait, I'm sure. I just hope the city leadership has the moral courage to go ahead with the plan. If they do a favorable plan with Les, it might encourage other companies to come there, and every town wants jobs and taxpayers, maybe Armalite and Rock River, and Springfield Armory would follow Les, that will no doubt weigh on their decisions.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:01 am
by WT
LeeC wrote:Glenn, these other people upped the ante.
Sounds to me like a clear cut case of: "we upped our offer, now up...
YOURS" :lol: