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Holiday in Canada

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:15 pm
by madk1w1
Hi all
The missus and I are looking at taking a 3-4 week holiday in Canada sometime in 2008, so was just wondering where is worth going and what time of year is best, not really into the full tourist thing would rather see the real thing, and of course if could sneak a few days hunting/shooting in would be all the better :D
I know there's a few Canadians out there and even if your not you may have some ideas I can take on board to plan a great trip

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:40 pm
by Rick in Oregon
First off, are you interested in coastal/ocean adventures, or something like the Rocky Mountains, alpine lakes and forests?

For coastal good times, check out Tofino on Vancouver Island, west side of the island, south end of the island. Small fishing village with decent accomodations, beautiful area, thick rain forest. There's also Victoria of course, but pretty touristy. The north end of the island has lots of small fishing villages, indian totems, museums, etc. ... le-adwords

For a mountain adventure, Lake Louise, Banff Alberta, it doesn't get much better. ... &WT.srch=1

There is good ground squirrel shooting (locals call them gophers) on the east side of the mountains there. My handle is 'Rick in Oregon', but I was born and raised in BC. Good luck, have a grand trip.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:16 pm
by WrzWaldo
I've always liked the sea to sky drive in early summer and fall.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:27 pm
by Guy M
Rented sea kayaks, then paddled, camped and fished for a week in Barclay sound near Tofino, Vancouver Island. It was absolutely outstanding!

Fresh salmon, ling cod, black rockfish & crabs every night! :D Caught 'em all ourselves.

Have also enjoyed outstanding trout fishing along the Blackwater river. Tough to get to though. We had to fly in... Worthwhile if you like the fishing. My son was 12, and using a fly rod he caught and released 36 rainbow trout one memorable afternoon. :D We floated the river, and also fished a couple of the nearby lakes. Real nice. Moose & wolves both in the area. Hunting is not cheap.

Fished the Vedder river near Chilliwack BC as well. I was fly fishing for trout and ended up hooking some monster of a steelhead that tried to destroy my little 5 wt trout rod! That was fun while it lasted...

There's a fine rifle range near Chilliwack, and the BCRA holds some great matches there in the summer, shooting to 600 meters. Nice folks too.

Note to self... Do Not Drink with Canadians the night before a rifle match! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:16 pm
by Hooked

Our American friends have given you some great suggestions on places in British Columbia to visit (thanks guys). Although I'm biased, I think that Western Canada - especially BC is the most beautiful part of the country with the east coast/Maritimes be a very close second.

If you were thinking about a 3-4 week fly/drive vacation, I would:

1. Fly into Vancouver & rent a car

2. Spend some time in the Vancouver area (remember, Whistler is hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics) and then go to Vancouver Island or possibly take an inside passage ferry up the Coast (you could go to Alaska by ferry if you really wanted to!).

3. Depending on how much time you spend on the Coast, I would suggest a drive into the Okanagan and visit the wine & fruit country. If you like golf, you will be in heaven.

4. Continue east and head towards the Rocky Mountains and into Alberta. You will be surprised at how varied the geography is.

5. An overnight stay at the Banff Springs Hotel and then onto Calgary for some great Cowtown hospitality (super nice people in Alberta).

6. Fly out of Calgary back to Vancouver and head for home.

Rick has already given you the web site for Tourism BC, but if you want hard copies of BC travel guides and information, send me a PM and I will make sure some get mailed out to you - my wife works for Tourism BC.

As far as time of year, spring weather can be a little wet, and summers can be very hot (especially in the interior), but our late summers and early falls (Aug-Oct) have been spectacular - especially if the last few years are any indication. This time of year may even afford you the chance to do some bird hunting - there are a number of pheasant ranches in the BC interior and Alberta. Some early season deer hunts may also be possible - but it really depends on how bad you want to hunt.

You could always shoot some sporting clays/trap/skeet in Vancouver - the Vancouver Gun Club is a great shotgun only facility that is very close to the Vancouver International Airport.

Lots of choices, and this is only BC - there's still the rest of Canada for you to consider too! Good luck, and let me know if I can help.


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:56 am
by madk1w1
Thanks Guys, new there would be plenty to consider that is why such an early start to planning/choosing where to go

Hooked what temperature do you call hot? I work in the Pilbara region of West Australia summer temps in the 40 - 50deg C (100-125degF)

Rick those links very helpful, not really a fishing person but love the ocean/river/lake scenery, wouldn't believe I grew up near the coast just love it tranquility


Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:40 am
by CV32
My home Canadian province, Newfoundland & Labrador, would of course be my recommended destination. Icebergs, whales, sea kayaking, moose, caribou, etc, etc. If you like the outdoors ... ;) Of course, it would be a real long trip for you. I've been to Tofino and the Rockies too, so can't knock those locations, either. Have a good trip, eh ! :D