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Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 9:48 am
by Bill K
Good morning to stay home and reload/prep some 204 and other 20 caliber cartridges for the melt time. :) Taken from the front yard at 0920 hrs and still coming. Wood stove keeping the place warm and cozy. :)
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Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:57 am
by Tom Kat
74 degrees and windy here today

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:36 am
by Bill K
Another 3-4 inches last night, shoveling again. Temp 24, with no wind, so far. :D (0630 hrs) Back in from shoveling the drive, temp dropped to 17 now. ( 0728 hrs) Will warm some when sun starts showing. Fresh air and exercise.. Ho Ho.

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:47 pm
by jpx2rk
GL with the "chores", hope it clears up for you soon.

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:45 pm
by Bill K
It will be off and on now until at least March. The last few winters up here with snow and all have been pretty dry overall. Most we had last year was about a total of 5-7 ft and most of that came in Dec, with not much after in Jan, Feb or March. They are calling for another dry year, so we will see what it brings. No matter I am prepared, as usual, and ready to keep me and neighbors clear and our portion of the street.
This is last years, but as I said I will be ready, jeep/plow and snowblower. :D
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Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:27 pm
by skipper
Nice to have winter toys.

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 6:16 pm
by Bill K
Yes it does Skipper. Without these I could not keep the areas I do open. At 84 now the shoveling I must do, from the front of the garage, where snow slides off the steep metal roof, is all I can do and I feel that more so now, than when I was younger and doing the snow clearing after storms and new levels. But so far I keep going, but I can tell you those two toys are the aids I need. :D

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:03 am
by skipper
I live just noter of Houston and snow is a rarity here. When it does snow, everyone retreats inside. You ought to see what it's like with ice/snow on the roads around here. Winter driving is not our "strong suit". Our foul weather gear is basically sunglasses and hurricane prep.

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:38 pm
by Bill K
I can imagine. You should also see some of the one's around here, that are new to the area, came from the central or coastal areas and never drove in snow, or better yet BLACK ICE.
They just love this part of the state and my area of the rural mountain and think they can still drive 60 plus MPH, even on BLACK ICE or slushy snow, then they find out it is not so hunky dory and end up in the ditch, if fortunate, without rolling or hitting a tree. Then need a pull out of a tow truck. It can be funny watching, but often not so funny for them. :eek:

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:46 pm
by jpx2rk
It's mid 70's here today, wore shorts while doing a couple chores here. The heat might cycle 1-2 times in the morning, a light jacket feels good early during the first dog walk, but it's been warming up to the 70's the past few days. More of the same in the forecast, with little chance of rain. We are in a drought situation here, grass is brown and crunchy, been several weeks since we had any measurable rain except for a brief shower that passes thru.

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:02 am
by Rick in Oregon
Well, no reloading required here. Earlier this year during our annual spring Rat Rodeo, we had below freezing temps with wind-driven snow every day for ten days! We never even set up our benches, only some drive-by 10-22 shooting out the truck window, as squirrels were scarce as you'd imagine in that kind of inclement weather.

So for the record, I've got at least 1,200 rounds still loaded up for every one of my rat annual reloading, but very ready for hitting the fields in the spring. We've already set dates for our first 10-day shoot, so the anticipation is already building. Now we're all hoping Mother Nature is in a much better mood than she was earlier this year. To keep positive thoughts, I keep thinking of the current cost of powder and primers, and consider I didn't have to buy any components at all this year to get ready for next season. Small solace, right? :mrgreen:

A pic from the 2021 rat season; "Wicked Wanda", my Cooper Montana Varminter in 204R on the bench cooling her barrel for the next 'go' at Skippy:


Rats must be launched! :eek:

Re: Good day to reload 204 and other 20 calibers

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:04 am
by Bill K
Most all of my ammo is loaded, but the one's I am or have reloaded in the last couple days, are the ones I have shot on a few outtings for coyotes, ring neck squirrels and even some paper/rock targets. The majority is always up and ready for the next GS or Rock chuck outting, like you are Rick. :D

Plus some brass prepping of cases I find, it seems like, at trips to the local club range, that others have just left. Mostly 5.56, 308 W and a few others. Did find some once fired factory cases in 22-250 the last time also. So those go into the ready to load cans, for future use. :D :D