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New Forum Title?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 8:45 am
by Rick in Oregon
With the distinct lack of traffic here lately, it has come to mind that perhaps the title of this forum should be changed to include more .20 caliber cartridges such as the 20VT, 20 Tactical, 20 Practical, 20 Hornet and other .20 caliber wildcats.

Maybe call it the ".20 Caliber Forum"?

As it is now, being only titled for the 204 Ruger seems to limit the amount of traffic, therefore lack of enthusiasm for just one caliber may have resulted in turning off many potential users that may otherwise join in and participate in the discussions. Dunno, just a thought upon seeing yet another day of no traffic here.

I own four 204's, love the caliber and what it does so well, but I also have to admit that with virtually everything being more expensive now, for the past four or so years, I favor the smaller cased varmint cartridges that burn 1/3 less powder such as the 20VT and even the 221FB. When you can get right at 3,800 fps with a 32gr bullet with only 18~grs of powder compared to the 204 burning in excess of 25+ grs, it starts to make perfect sense.

Little case, BIG performance:


Comments anyone? Is anyone checking in here any more? Can we revive this forum? :chin:

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 4:02 pm
by WylieC
Hey Rick. I check in pretty often. I might need to show up less often. Talk of the different 20 cal guns will have me buying more

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 5:58 pm
by Bill K
I have noticed also and I am partially to blame for not being on lately. But Rick's idea of it being a 20 caliber forum does have merits. It just might well make the forum more active. :)

I also shoot a couple 204R and love them, but do find I am shooting the 20 SCC and 20 VTT more this last three of so years.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:47 am
by skipper
I'm on here pretty much daily. The only thing is that Tarrin is going to have to make that decision. We can ask though.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:46 pm
by foxwhistler
I'd agree that it would make perfect sense to open the forum up to all the 20 cals! I come on here daily and have noticed a distinct lack of activity lately!

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2022 5:27 pm
by Tom Kat
My little gun is a .221 Remington Fireball. I know that if we had more disscusions on varmint hunting and other calibers it would generate more traffic.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:58 am
by Bill K
I don't mind the site as a 204 Ruger only, but as I mentioned, as Rick did and others, a 20 caliber site would maybe generate a little more talk and ideas. But I would like it to stay 20 caliber, for the most part.
Saubier and others are there for the 224 and larger calibers. I am not putting down the 224's, as I shoot several in that caliber, but the 20's are a favorite now days and also some of the 17's.
And the 17/s have followers on some of the other sites also.

But as Skipper said, we will see what the main man says and wants to do with his site. Either way this is one fine site and has very nice members, who help each other. :D

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:07 pm
by SecretCode
No problem here. Only the one .20 cal as of yet. But love my .204 and love the cal. Will have a Vartarg one day. Also have a practical on the short/long list.
Whatever we need to keep this forum from folding like a cheap suit.

That also might make a cartridge specific 5 on a dime shoot. If skipper or whomever would be willing to do so if there's enough interest.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:20 pm
by Bill K
As for the 5 on a dime shoot, I for one, would like it to stay with the 204 Ruger. :D

I am adding a new thought. As stated above, my 204R has been doing quite well the last 2-3 yrs in the Five on a Dime shoot.
But I now have a 20 Tactical that just might edge it out. And I would have no issues using my 20 VT or 20 SCC in the shoot either.

So it will boil down to what Skipper will do, as it is and has been his game, which is a lot of fun. But I would sure like to see more shooters entering the event. :D

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 2:03 pm
by triggerfingers
Sounds like Rick may have a good thought. Between the 20 Practical, 204 Ruger, and the 20 Vartarg they are starting to add up. Would be more inclusive and should generate more chats and traffic.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:42 am
by WesF
I'm also to "blame" for the lack of traffic on the site. I haven't been on the site much lately due to many things happening in my life. Being retired, many people are asking for help because I now have "all that time on my hands". My other big excuse is the lack of reloading components available, not only for this caliber, but all calibers, making me reluctant to a lot of shooting. I know, I know, excuses are like butt holes. Everybody has one and they all stink! All this "hot air" aside...I think it might be worthwhile to add other 20 calibers to the welcome mat.

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:16 am
by Bill K
I think Wes, that a lot of us are not shooting, right now, as much either. For me it is caring for the wife more, winter and cold temps setting in, critters I go after denned up for the season and the cost of fuel to roam around as much, as before.
So sort of saving and biding my time till spring and warm weather. 12 degrees here at my N.E. corner of Ca and still snow from the last storm on the ground, and more to come. :D

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:42 pm
by skipper
Why don't we talk about guns and stuff?

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:04 pm
by Bill K
Great Idea. I am presently working on a CX 527 with a barrel I bought from a member of this site, it is in 20 VTT and so far. is coming along very well and shooting nicely. Still working on a couple loads too really tighten up the grouping.
Will post some photos, at a later date, when I have time to take some. Right now weather, which is cold and some wind, with threat of more snow is keeping me more around the house, rather than the range. Plus the care of the wife and all the chores at home.
But it will come to pass, in time.
What are some of you working on presently ? :D

Re: New Forum Title?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2022 2:10 pm
by jpx2rk
I saw where Specialty Pistol forum was shutting down at the end of 2022, so maybe some of those guys could find a new place to hang out here.

I recently acquired another 20P barrel, so I'm starting the process of gathering up the parts needed. I ordered a Boyd's PV stock last week, and need to take the barrel off the donor action (Savage FV12 22-250) and get the 20P barrel screwed on, then start the process of fitting the barreled action to the Boyd's stock. The 20P barrel is a full 1 inch bull barrel all the way to the muzzle, so it's going to take some sanding to get that "stick" fitted into the Boyd's. LOL

I'm also working on a X-caliber 223 build on another FV12 action, it's all together, just doing the load work up on that one. Weather and family commitments have prevented me from devoting time here lately, but will squeeze some time out of the calendar somehow. LOL.

I've got another X Caliber barrel leaning in the corner that is waiting on me to burn out the factory 204R barrel so it can go to work on some varmints. I tried to burn up the OEM Savage 204R barrel earlier this year giving flying lessons to "skippy" as he's referred to, but a range session after the lessons told me there was life left in the OEM. I may pull the OEM barrel sooner but don't plan on it as I've still got a couple hundred rounds still loaded and ready to go. I hate pulling ammo apart, seems easier to just wait and burn it up first. More fun anyways. LOL