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Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:28 am
by skipper
Regarding the member count at the bottom of the Board Index page, we are only 15 from reaching 4000 members. :contract: It's hard to believe that we have that many members and literally nothing to talk about. Let's start a posting drive. Let the talks begin!!

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:27 pm
by Bill K
It has been awful quiet Skipper. I have been having a CZ 527 that was 17 Hornet, re-chambered to 17 Fire ball and am getting it all set up now for the next few weeks of rock chuck and ground squirrel shooting, just as soon as the snow melts, weather warms and they really start showing up. Bill K

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:19 pm
by skipper
You go get 'em Bill K. Take lots of pictures. Helicopter squirrels are a real treat!!

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:50 pm
by terrace
Hope you guys are doing well. I've been reloading and watching the rain fall

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:01 pm
by Bill K
I am, Snow is melting and no precip for the last two days, so hopefully it will start really warming, sunshine and critters will start moving..

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:27 am
by SecretCode
We were just about in the clear a week ago, then a spring storm rolled through and dumped 8" of wet slush. Basically every form of precipitation that can come out of the sky did. If not for a min or two. Mostly snow.
Its pretty much right back to where we were before the storm. Just snow in drifts. This springs melt and lack of second half winter snow has all but made a flood this year in the Red River Valley null and void. Cant complain there.

I did wrestle the wife and kids out two weeks ago and had some social distancing (with guns of course) back by the farm.
Momma was having alittle to much fun with the .17 hmr.

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:55 pm
by jpx2rk
The first 3 months of this year has been mostly wet, or cloudy, or cloudy and windy, or some variation thereof. February was the 3rd wettest on record for our area, so.... It's starting to dry out but they are calling for 1-3" of rain again on Sunday, so wuppeeee...... It has warmed up around here but they are also calling for frost/freeze warnings over the weekend, so..... my sump has been working a lot this year. LOL

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:22 am
by broper
Shooting a few ground squirrels here in s.w. Idaho. Went out this past Wednesday. We were hoping to scare up a badger but no luck. We did shoot quite a few squirrels though. My buddy was trying out some new loads with 40 gr. V-Max in his 22/250. They really scatter the squirrels. The weather is up and down here right now, which is typical for this time if year. It's suppossed to cool off almost 20 degrees and have some freezing nights with high winds over the week end. Warming back up next week.Think we'll head east and see if we can't shoot a few rock chucks next week.

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:02 am
by skipper
Good luck to all those that are heading out for some 204 fun. Post some pictures and videos if you get a chance. You know how much we love pictures.

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 4:44 pm
by skipper
We are now 4001 strong. That great news. This forum is seeing a surge in membership lately.

Re: Countdown to 4000 Members

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 6:58 pm
by SecretCode
Might take awhile but 5K is next!