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Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:52 am
by Tokimini
I have been a member of this forum for years and naively thought other firearms related forums would be pretty much the same, a bunch a friendly like minded people who go out of their way to help out fellow members. Boy was I wrong!!! I'm in the process of building a Savage in 6BR so I have been checking out forums on the Savage Shooters and Accurate Shooters websites. Both are kind of disappointing. A lot of people will recommend which powder to use but God help you if you ask for real load data, and I have seen some flame wars that were downright rude and nasty. It seems like some people post opinions just to start trouble. This place is head and shoulders above both those sites and it is solely due to the people we have. We should all take a little pride in being members of such a quality site.

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:57 am
by Bill K
I have found, out of many sites, three strike my fancy and seem like the members really try to help each other. VHA forum, Small Caliber Club and this one (204 As for giving a dead on load recommendation, many do not want to do so, for the liability factor, what is a super load in my weapon, just might blow yours apart. No one wants another shooter to ruin a weapon or get hurt.. So loads are usually given as start and the suggestion to work up in your weapon.. Safe and sane. Bill K :)

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 6:57 am
by RowdyYates
"Rude" and "nasty" pretty much sums up the AR and handgun Internet sites.

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:00 am
by Rick in Oregon
From my internet wanderings, I'd opine that this forum and Saubier are the two most informative and friendly forums on the net. The world is rude, crude and nasty enough as it is. We certainly don't need that when we plop down in our chair to cruise shooting forums for enjoyment and pleasure. Personally, I like it here too. :D

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:09 am
by futuretrades
As for myself, I am not one to cruise the internet for pleasure, so I can't say one way or another about other gun and shooting forums on the net. But I do log on almost daily, on to this forum, and from my experience this forum is where I like to stay. Very knowledgeable people here, very friendly, and very informative. It seems to me, almost all of us here enjoy sharing info and experiences. I really like it here! :mrgreen:

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:09 pm
by wirelessguy2005
There is a good group of guys here on 204 ruger, i spend the majority of my time online divided between this forum and the Small Caliber Club forum.


Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 12:51 pm
by Sidewinderwa
I totally agree with you, this is a great place to spend time with other shooters, especially when they are smart enough to know how great the 20 calibers are! :salute: :salute: I have found so much help on this board and some friendly joking. This one of my mainstay sites to spend time at and enjoy myself.

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:50 am
by Ray P
Yes!! I have to agree we have a great site and a good bunch of like minded shooter /reloaders and hunters. Always a friendly place be.
Thank you Members!!

Ray P

Re: Do we have it good here!!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 10:55 am
by bow shot
Very much prefer the brethren here. Nice blokes!

I enjoy the folks at Saubier also. Nice bunch there too. I do a lot of listening there, so far haven't contributed…

Yes, some of the folks at Accurateshooter can get a tad… shall we say… too far away from their medication. Sone great intel there though.