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Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:21 am
by rhino81
Hi all
I have been reloading for about 10 years and developed some fairly accurate rounds (around 1") for about 20 deer rifles. For Christmas my girlfriend (who I am obviously going to marry) bought me a Savage model 12 .204 Ruger. I loaded up 4 different loads and headed to the range in excitement shot 24 rounds. I regrettably then found this forum and started reading about barrel brake in, how much harm did I do, what's next step? Also one of my loads was amazing 4 rounds perfect clover at 100yds if I can duplicate do I just stop there? I was looking forward to playing with loads for this caliber.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:58 am
by Bill K
You will find and get some many opinions on barrel break in. Cleaning and maintaining the barrel is not really rock science. Get a good firearms book or read and follow the directions given with your rifle (most enclose paperwork and suggestions) and follow some sort of routine. If you have a load that is shooting good clusters/groups you may want to use that for your main goal, but in time play with other load combinations to better it or have more fun and pleasure from your rifles. The main thing, enjoy, shoot and relax in this sport. Do not get caught up in a lot of the hype and opinions of so many. There are many experts out there and they can confuse you, more than help. Keep it simple and have fun, but in reloading always safe and sane. :D Bill K :)

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:44 am
I agree with Bill. Barrel break-in theories run the gamut from exactly what you did (just shoot it) to very involved and lengthy processes. What's done is done, as 'they' say. Seriously doubt that you did any harm. Just give the rifle a good cleaning and carry on! As for your' groups, just depends on what you are satisfied with. If you want to tinker with it, I would take your' 'clover-leaf' load and play with the seating depth a little. Just like your' big-game loads, make sure you only change ONE thing at a time. That way, you know exactly what caused any change. If you rifle is like most of the Savage firearms, it should have very good accuracy potential. Have fun, be safe. Most importantly, give that girlfriend a big hug. :wink:

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:56 am
by futuretrades
I would suggest, and this is my own opinion, that you get a good copper remover, I use CR10, and a reliable carbon and powder residue remover. Clean the barrel thoroughly, and go ahead and work up some loads for that 204. I know how hard it is when you are so excited about a new firearm, that proper barrel break in, may be the last thing on your mind. I did the same thing when I got my 223 years ago. I did the clean up thing, and with some load work, I got this rifle shooting under 1/2 moa with my reloads. I don't think you hurt the barrel at all. As Bill said just be safe and sane, and enjoy your 204! :D

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:02 pm
by Tokimini
Breaking in a new barrel is basically a crude honing process to remove any tooling marks to make the barrel as smooth as possible. On some high end barrels that are hand lapped like Shilen they recommend no break in at all. It's just not needed. Since your gun is a Savage I would follow Savage's recommendations, but rest easy, you did not harm you barrel by pumping 24 rounds down it.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:50 pm
by Glen
The most important thing to do is take it apart & clean it before you shoot it. After that the break-in process is a personal thing. Personally I won't do the shoot & clean thing til I've wasted all of my valuable components. JMHO :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Congratulations on the new rig & on the wedding!! :wink:

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:46 pm
by Bert
I am pretty sure your GF needs to buy you a new gun. Send that worn out gun to me, and get yourself a new Cooper.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:40 am
by Bodei
What's your accurate load? You are lucky to find an accurate one right away. I have still not settled on one. I would try and run your accuracy load over a chrono to make sure it is not too "hot" or "slow" for whatever it is youre using it for.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:23 am
by rhino81
Hornady 32 gr Vmax, 28.0 gr IMR 8208 xbr which from what I read is a pretty awesome powder, but I also read it from a Hodgdon powder magazine.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:45 am
by rhino81
I have a chrony I just haven't shot through it that was my next step, I'm guessing just under 4000. From what I've read on this forum it seems less is more with this powder. 28.5 is max which I tried and wasn't very good. There's guys using 26.5gr with good results might work down from 28gr just to see. Also Federal primers, 2.300 COAL, Hornady cases(all I can get).

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:37 pm
by Zeus
Don't bother with barrel break in. It didn't exist before the internet......we'll maybe it did but it was a waste of time and components then just as it is today.

Re: Did i make a mistake

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:52 pm
by TargetShow
I would load up some more exactly
Like your best group and go from there. If you keep getting groups like those I wouldn't change a thing. You should already be at adequate velocity.