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Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:56 am
by Rick in Oregon
If you like your 204 Ruger rifle and want to keep it, then be aware of what's looming ahead in the near future, thanks to the "leader" some of our countrymen put into power last election. This was obtained from a LEO friend who's got friends in low places. We were warned, now it's on:


Do you think it's now time to get those emails, calls and letters going to our representatives? Well, do 'ya? :chin:

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:29 am
by Rick in Oregon
Just so everyone doesn't get their knickers in a wad, the above has proven to be a fake document. I posted it just as received prior to doing a snopes check, which although is not the 'know-all' of the world, is fairly reliable and has bebunked this doc.

It's a scary reminder of the kind of goings-on that takes place behind our collective backs with the current administration, and reason alone to keep paying attention.

We gotta keep an eye on these guys! :eek:

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:43 am
Amen, Rick. The notion of "transparency" is perhaps the biggest nanner, nanner this administration is directing at "we the people". Much easier for them to pursue their agenda behind closed doors. Our desires, opinions and beliefs are merely an inconvenience to them!

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:55 am
by Tokimini
Rick in Oregon wrote:Just so everyone doesn't get their knickers in a wad, the above has proven to be a fake document.
Other than to get people all pissed off, why post a document you know is fake? What's the point??

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:21 pm
It was posted before that fact came to light. Honest mistake, pure and simple.

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:55 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Corect. I figured I'd leave it there, as there actually are parties that ARE trying to get the UN to override our 2nd Amendment, and it's good to keep sharp. This was indeed a fake, but it sure raises the "What If" scenario......

Don't get pissed off, ACT! We may be dealing with a real document like this soon if Mr. Potatohead gets his way with the other whiny Demo libs......

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:41 pm
by Jim White
Tokimini wrote:
Rick in Oregon wrote:Just so everyone doesn't get their knickers in a wad, the above has proven to be a fake document.
Other than to get people all pissed off, why post a document you know is fake? What's the point??
I think when he posted it he didn't know it. The other point would be is; "don't think for one-minute, that people aren't tying to do what this letter says. That is the gun grabbers goal and they are "very-patient" while other live in total denial of the situation.

Just my 2-cents worth,


Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:52 am
by bazz
stick to your guns guys pun intended or you will end up like us it was a small minority that started and then the snow ball happened and the city slickers seeing us as mass murders got behind the government and with our voting system the city rules and every year now when the police minister meet they still want our guns and its a lot of hard work to just keep them . remember it will only take another shooting some where and thats it so as rick said BE WARNED if you sit back and do nothing be prepared to meet the wrath of the gun lobby cheers bazz

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:18 am
by Tokimini
RAMOS wrote:It was posted before that fact came to light. Honest mistake, pure and simple.
My apologies Rick. I didn't understand that you only realized it was fake until after you posted it.

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:40 am
by Nor Cal Mikie
This is the kind of crap that goes on behind closed doors and when our backs are turned!! Could it happen? You bet you butt is can and will if we don't stay on top of it. "I'am from the government and I'am here to help". :eek: :eek: darn good reason to keep your powder dry and your eyes and ears open. ;)

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:12 am
by RowdyYates
....but it's a frigging fake document!

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:25 am
by Rick in Oregon
RowdyYates wrote:....but it's a frigging fake document!
Rowdy: That's true bud, but in fact the Ovomit administration is indeed trying to sign our rights away to the UN for "global control" of small arms.

When I saw the letter, I naturally assumed it had been implemented and the letter was the outcome. Even though this one was/is fake, they are trying to make it a reality. We must stay vigilant!

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:56 am
Absolutely, Rick. Yes, it is a fake document. Unfortunately, it is NOT a fake issue.

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:20 am
by futuretrades
RowdyYates wrote:....but it's a frigging fake document!
RAMOS wrote:Absolutely, Rick. Yes, it is a fake document. Unfortunately, it is NOT a fake issue.
Anybody that believes this cannot happen in our own country, in my opinion, has their heads buried in the sand. :eek: I suggest reading bazz's post! The people of Australia have seen what can happen when the people do not believe the government can be an evil entity. Any more it seems the politicians in this country only care about getting re-elelected. Personally I don't trust any of them. I will take this chance to suggest, that every gun owner in the country, needs to join the NRA, or at least your own states organization of the NRA. Be informed, and be vigilant. Our country and our rights guaranteed by our constitution are At Stake!

Re: Here's our Wake-Up Call!

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:48 pm
by Jim White
Nor Cal Mikie wrote:"I'am from the government and I'am here to help". :eek: :eek:
When ever I hear that phrase my reply is; "I wish you would go help somebody else" :mrgreen: