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Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:29 pm
by Rick in Oregon
Don't shoot the messenger, but if you live in Michigan, check this out:

I bet you can't guess what this is

•إذا كان دخلك الشهري الإجمالي أقل من 150 دولار و 100 دولار أو أقل في الأصول
السائلة )نقود في اليد، الحسابات الجارية أو حسابات التوفير، شهادات التوفير(، أو
•إذا كان مجموع دخلك الإجمالي وأصولك السائلة أقل من مجموع إيجارك الشهري أو
قسط القرض العقاري زائد فاتورة التدفئة والمنافع العامة، أو
•إذا كنت معدوم* الدخل أو أجير موسمي متنقل أو عامل مزارع موسمي ولديك 100
دولار أو أقل في الأصول السائلة.
*المعدوم هو أن يكون دخلك قد توقف قبل تاريخ تقديم الطلب، أو أن دخلك قد بدأ
ولكنك تتوقع أن لا تقبض أكثر من 25 دولار في غضون ال 10 أيام القادمة.
إذا كان أهل بيتك مؤهلاً لمعالجة الطلب في غضون سبعة أيام، فيجب عليك:
•أن تشترك في مقابلة، و
•أن تقدّم إثباتاً بهويتك الشخصية، و
•استكمال عملية الطلب بكامله.
لمواصلة تلقي مخصصات الإعانة الغذائية، سيُطلب منك أن تقدم إثباتاً لمعلومات أخرى
)مثل الدخل، مكان الإقامة، ...إلخ(. إذا قمت بإعطاء الإثبات عند التقديم، فيمكن أن تُعطى
فترة أطول من مخصصات الإعانة الغذائية.
المقابلات المعنية ببرنامج الإعانة الغذائية

)Food Assistance Program: FAP(
يجوز التنازل عن إجراء مقابلة وجهاً لوجه وإجراء مقابلة هاتفية في الحالات التي يشكل
ذلك على أهل بيتك مشقة. وتتضمن المشقات على سبيل المثال ولا تقتصر على التالي:
•صعوبات في النقل.
•دوام ساعات العمل الذي يمنع من الاشتراك في مقابلة مكتبية.
إذا كنت تعاني من مشقة وتحتاج إلى إجراء DHS أخبر الأخصائي المسؤول عنك ف

Well, it's part of the instructions for how to apply for
food stamps in the great state of Michigan .

Read on:

I actually called the Michigan Dept. of Human Services to check this out and it is true.

Have we gone completely nuts!!
Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!

Michiganhas the highest population of Muslims in the United States .
When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (All Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? We don’t pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I’m sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.

So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF - Here is the number 1-888-678-8914.

Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic.
This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement, or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.
The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page,
(as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for ... (get this) ... English, Spanish, and ARABIC!!!

When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

Check it out for yourself. ... %2c00.html

Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent!


Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:09 pm
Thanks for the information, Rick. Totally pizzes me off that this is not headline news. If nothing is done, it could very well end up that we have to press three (or four) for English. Or should I say Engrish, Engwish.........?

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:11 am
by Jim White
The upper UP is nice but never cared for the rest of it.

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:28 pm
by Bill K
RAMOS wrote:Thanks for the information, Rick. Totally pizzes me off that this is not headline news. If nothing is done, it could very well end up that we have to press three (or four) for English. Or should I say Engrish, Engwish.........?
Ramos, King Obama and his admin and 99% of the rest in Wash DC are all in the same boat. Ruin this old Republic and work for the leech's and welfare/food stamp people. I am not against welfare and food stamps, for those in real need. But not the one's the for generation after generation make this their life style.. Bare minimum aid, if they want more, then get a part time job, etc. :mad: Bill K

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:13 pm
by ryutzy
Thats not just bad news for Michigan. That's bad for all of us. Makes me want to vomit thinking of what our forefathers had to work for and what America is becoming now.

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:38 am
by smokepole
How does this crap happen? The folks in this country are darn tired of having this "political correctness" shoved down our throats. I don't know why the people that advocate this just move to a muslim country?

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:45 am
by bow shot
They've taken over Dearborn MI. If I was allowed to say anything about Islam on this forum...

They leave those countries because the religion of peace has destroyed peace there... and they would enjoy doing the same here. 'And they bring it here to this recent generation of stupid, insane, self-obsessed suckers.

No one made room for my German, Serb and Croat grandparents that didn't speak English. They were expected to learn it on their own and they did.

That should be test #1: "Do you speak English"
A: yes: Proceed to the next question
A: no: Sorry come back another time. If you want to live here, its the LEAST you could do.

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:03 pm
by Tokimini
One recent Aussie politician had it right. Any of our Aussie brethren correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he said if you move to Australia we expect you to put Australia first, not where you were born and we speak English. You want to live with us learn our language, don't expect us to learn yours.

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:51 pm
Exact same sh*t is going on in Canada. In a couple of generations, they will out number us in Canada. They have large families where native born Canadians don't. Maybe we have OUR priorites screwed up!

When I see a large family that are obviously Canadian born, I feel like hugging them as it helps slow the inevitable slide where the Muslims will out number us.

They already have elected representatives at the civic, provincial & federal levels of government. As they get more power they will enact laws that favor their culture.

You would think we would learn from what has happened in England, France & Denmark...

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:26 pm
by bazz
Tokimini wrote:One recent Aussie politician had it right. Any of our Aussie brethren correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he said if you move to Australia we expect you to put Australia first, not where you were born and we speak English. You want to live with us learn our language, don't expect us to learn yours.
thats right and there even gone further now they have to have a wide knowledge of australia and its history as well have to contribute to our economy in some way in other words have some skill , we have just past law any person arriving by boat or other means they will be sent straight back and they are now being housed in the paupa new guinie and dont have the right to apply for asylum about bloody time we were swamp by thousands of boat people a year cheers bazz

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:46 am
by Tokimini
bazz wrote:
Tokimini wrote:One recent Aussie politician had it right. Any of our Aussie brethren correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he said if you move to Australia we expect you to put Australia first, not where you were born and we speak English. You want to live with us learn our language, don't expect us to learn yours.
thats right and there even gone further now they have to have a wide knowledge of australia and its history as well have to contribute to our economy in some way in other words have some skill , we have just past law any person arriving by boat or other means they will be sent straight back and they are now being housed in the paupa new guinie and dont have the right to apply for asylum about bloody time we were swamp by thousands of boat people a year cheers bazz
Good on the Aussies!! I always thought it was a pity countries couldn't choose their neighbors. How cool would it be sharing a border with Australia.

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:01 am
by Bill K
Tokimini wrote:One recent Aussie politician had it right. Any of our Aussie brethren correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he said if you move to Australia we expect you to put Australia first, not where you were born and we speak English. You want to live with us learn our language, don't expect us to learn yours.
And even Russia put out a letter (believe Putin to his gen assembly or such) about anyone coming to Russia will follow Russian laws and rules, not change to what ever they are or want. If they can not live under that then go back to what ever country they came from.. More need to start standing by this policy. When in Rome do as the Romans do, or go home. Bill K

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:40 am
by bazz
Tokimini wrote:
bazz wrote:
Tokimini wrote:One recent Aussie politician had it right. Any of our Aussie brethren correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he said if you move to Australia we expect you to put Australia first, not where you were born and we speak English. You want to live with us learn our language, don't expect us to learn yours.
thats right and there even gone further now they have to have a wide knowledge of australia and its history as well have to contribute to our economy in some way in other words have some skill , we have just past law any person arriving by boat or other means they will be sent straight back and they are now being housed in the paupa new guinie and dont have the right to apply for asylum about bloody time we were swamp by thousands of boat people a year cheers bazz
Good on the Aussies!! I always thought it was a pity countries couldn't choose their neighbors. How cool would it be sharing a border with Australia.
that would be awesome but you can keep your snow :lol:

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:03 am
by Tokimini
bazz wrote:that would be awesome but you can keep your snow :lol:
We'll keep the snow you keep the funnel webs!!

Re: Bad News if You Live in Michigan

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:34 pm
by bazz
Tokimini wrote:
bazz wrote:that would be awesome but you can keep your snow :lol:
We'll keep the snow you keep the funnel webs!!
what about our bloody snakes and crocks would u take them please